Fed up

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I'm so fed up today. I was supposed to be on a ride with @toptom & @Ginger James on a favourite route we do.
Yesterday whilst giving the bike the once over in preparation for todays ride I put my back out. All I did was lean over the bike and that was it. I can't move now and it bloody well hurts.
So the weather is glorious and I'm sitting bolt upright or laying on the floor indoors with the hump instead of being out on the bike.:angry:


poor you . hope you get better soon ..being a bad back sufferer myself i know how you feel . bloody annoying


N Ireland
Know the feeling only too well. Application of a hot water bottle sometimes sorts me out in such situations.

GWS :thumbsup:


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
I feel your pain - literally. I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been sleeping tied in a knot. but I've also had a day of potential enjoyment ruined by a moment's random back spasm.


Ramsgate, Kent
I know how you feel I was in a car accident 2 weeks ago and suffered back and neck injuries and been off the bike since :sad: I keep looking at my bike and thinking "just a quick one round the block" but I know I'll only move a few meters and I'll be in agony:angry:

Take things easy and hopefully you'll be back on the bike before you know it :smile:


Bionic Subsonic
I know how you feel I was in a car accident 2 weeks ago and suffered back and neck injuries and been off the bike since :sad: I keep looking at my bike and thinking "just a quick one round the block" but I know I'll only move a few meters and I'll be in agony:angry:

Take things easy and hopefully you'll be back on the bike before you know it :smile:
I know exactly that feeling.

Another rider laid-up through the good weather of the last couple weeks here (see avatar). Climbing the walls at the moment (or would do if my right arm worked properly)


Ramsgate, Kent
I know exactly that feeling.

Another rider laid-up through the good weather of the last couple weeks here (see avatar). Climbing the walls at the moment (or would do if my right arm worked properly)
Ouch nasty break! I think theres something in the air at the moment there are also quite a few members of my cycling club off their bikes at the moment due illness and injuries!!

Hope you heal quickly so you can get back out on that bike!


Bionic Subsonic
Ouch nasty break! I think theres something in the air at the moment there are also quite a few members of my cycling club off their bikes at the moment due illness and injuries!!

Hope you heal quickly so you can get back out on that bike!

Took the first step this afternoon :smile:


Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I hope the back is better soon. I pulled mine a few years ago so I can sympathise. It's so difficult to get comfortable with back pain - doesn't seem to matter how you sit, stand or lie down it bloomin' hurts.:sad:
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