fed up of abuse!!!

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Well-Known Member
Had a classic a couple of years ago........

From a female passenger in car after I had called out a request to "give me more room"

"There's a cycle path b'there" (Rough Swansea accent)

"No, that's a pavement."

"Why don't you use the bike path?"

"It's a pavement. You can't cycle on it."

"GET ON THE BIKE PATH!" she screamed

"close your legs love, your meat smells"

"You fu***** b*****d"

The driver (male) askes her what I said. I can see she doesn't want to tell him (this all happens whilst we're stationary, at a red light) but eventually she does. He roars with laughter, beeps his horn a couple of times and shouts "Nice one mate!" as his passenger slaps him about the arm and chest.


Bionic Subsonic
This is why I don't like cycle lanes on roads. Just allocate all the space as roadway and there doesn't seem to be the same problem.

Waving's good. The other confusing answer is "I am!". I must admit you get far less of it out here in the countryside.

Trying to drive you off single lane roads by playing chicken is more common (the car drivers almost always believe they have right of way)


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Totally ignore them is the best tactic. Not allways easy i know and I cant claim to never respond to idiots.

You have every right to use the road so use it if you wish. You can report to police and probably should if they are aggressive or threatening.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
actually, as stated by a couple of people, sometimes a cheery wave is the best course of action. It p*sses them off no end, which is very amusing.

This is my general approach when I'm out training - doesn't half confuse them. If I was any good riding no handed, I'd stick both hands up and wave. :thumbsup:

"Smile and wave" as the Penguin's of Madagascar say !


Well-Known Member
In the 4 years or so I've been commuting and training on my road bike I've only ever had 2 incidents involving drivers shouting at me, one was a guy in a BMW who didn't like being behind me in traffic despite me moving with the traffic at 28mph and the other was the fattest woman in the world who didn't like me filtering to the front of a que in stop start traffic!

Although I do always have my ipod on so maybe I just don't hear them :tongue: Ignorance is bliss :biggrin:


Senior Member
i live in north wales on the coast and theres a cycle path along it for a good distance,

Which part of the coast do you live? I used to commute between Rhyl and Prestatyn and Colwyn Bay and Prestatyn.

There is a coastal path there but after a while I realised that the sand was acting as a grinding paste and was chewing up my chain etc. Great path for the odd ride or whilst on holiday, very scenic, but for a daily commute not good.

I started using the main road and not only was my cycle maintenance reduced it was a much faster journey.

They then put cycle marking on the pavement between Rhyl and Prestatyn and "traffic calming" islands every few hundred yards. The road became a nightmare because if you rode the pavement you had to avoid the glass, trash, peds and bus stops (a real hazard during the holiday season when the population increases dramatically) and at every road junction take great care crossing in case a left turning car from behind took you out. If you rode on the road the traffic islands became a danger as cars tried to squeeze past. The road was far safer as it was.

Problem with councils providing these "facilities" is that they seem to me to put cyclists in more conflict as drivers "expect" you to use them. And thats without mentioning the ones that just stop and spit you out into traffic at the most dangerous part.

I agree that the more we just integrate with other road users the better. Bad road users, cyclist, motorist, whoever should be penalised not the majority of the law abiding out there.

Rouge Penguin

New Member
East Berkshire
Same for me, only once had grief. That was a 4x4 with a few thicknecks in it started lobbing empty bottles out the window, as i'd had the balls to question why they'd jumped a red light and nearly taken me out.


Someone's imaginary friend
"I ride blessed by the love of our Lord the Little Baby Jesus."

And smile hugely.

Last week a lorry driver said "you're quite fast for a fat bird aren't you" when he pulled up next to me at a light in Camden (I'd been doing about 25mph along with the rest of the traffic so he had to sit behind me). I just laughed and stayed in front of him the rest of the way to Kings Cross.
The next day a builder told me he'd like to be my bike saddle!

I usually just smile and keep going but I have got myself into a few arguments after being hit/cut up by the London taxis (Addison Lee in particular!).


New Member
Which part of the coast do you live? I used to commute between Rhyl and Prestatyn and Colwyn Bay and Prestatyn.

There is a coastal path there but after a while I realised that the sand was acting as a grinding paste and was chewing up my chain etc. Great path for the odd ride or whilst on holiday, very scenic, but for a daily commute not good.

I started using the main road and not only was my cycle maintenance reduced it was a much faster journey.

They then put cycle marking on the pavement between Rhyl and Prestatyn and "traffic calming" islands every few hundred yards. The road became a nightmare because if you rode the pavement you had to avoid the glass, trash, peds and bus stops (a real hazard during the holiday season when the population increases dramatically) and at every road junction take great care crossing in case a left turning car from behind took you out. If you rode on the road the traffic islands became a danger as cars tried to squeeze past. The road was far safer as it was.

Problem with councils providing these "facilities" is that they seem to me to put cyclists in more conflict as drivers "expect" you to use them. And thats without mentioning the ones that just stop and spit you out into traffic at the most dangerous part.

I agree that the more we just integrate with other road users the better. Bad road users, cyclist, motorist, whoever should be penalised not the majority of the law abiding out there.

im in colwyn bay and cycle between llandudno and st asaph, its worse in penrhyn bay where the cycle path goes right in front of peoples driveway for about quarter/half mile, many time had cars just pulling out hence use road.


its worse in penrhyn bay where the cycle path goes right in front of peoples driveway for about quarter/half mile, many time had cars just pulling out hence use road.
Yes that is an interesting section :smile: Can't win on the coast either chavs in their novas shouting abuse and to use the cycle track or the OAPs walking along the cycle track rather than the prom!


There is a coastal path there but after a while I realised that the sand was acting as a grinding paste and was chewing up my chain etc. Great path for the odd ride or whilst on holiday, very scenic, but for a daily commute not good.
Kinmel Bay and Llandudno's West Shore are the worst for the sand, almost as bad as riding along the beach - you can feel the sand grating in the bottom bucket as you go along:smile:
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