I had to squeeze an extra fast in today because of disruption earlier in the week due to family parties, hospital trips etc. I had a friend coming round who wanted chocolate, which put choccy temptation my way, but I just bought one small bar for her while I made do with a couple of strawberries and 100 g of low fat natural yoghurt instead.
I want to keep my weight stable for a few weeks until my clots have started to disappear, then get back on my bike and start losing weight again.
I think my dodgy scales have finally died altogether so I might treat myself to a new, more accurate set. (I was weighed twice in hospital and both times I was about 14-4 which is about 4 pounds more than my scales were reading here.)
I have been doing this fasting diet for long enough now to say that it works for me. I can relax 5 days a week and just be careful on the other 2 days. I don't get particularly hungry on the fasting days and my weight is under control. When I can do more exercise I am sure that I will get my last 25 pounds or so of flab off and then start eating more on the 5 non-fasting days to stabilise at my ideal weight.
So, the official ColinJ verdict is ... 5:2 fasting diet: