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Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Common sense and experience. Sure I don't know Banjo's eating habit but losing weight is not the rocket science that nutritionists will make you believe. Anyone wanting to lose weight needs to eat less than current and or exercise harder. Simply going hungry for long periods is not the answer.
Common sense is also not telling people to eat less without first knowing information you don't have.

It is simply untrue that eating less = weightloss, it is not rule applicable 100% of the time -some people need to consume more.Again the information known doesn't make either situation clear.


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
TBH I dont think I have the will power to fast on a regular basis or would pig out the following day. Fully admit to being a greedy sod who likes food too much. i am defo an over eater working random shifts at work doesnt help. Constant switching from days to nights messes with my metabolism and affects my moods. After a week off i feel so much better ,I start getting the effort / food balance right then the long work schedule starts again.


Eat your last meal around 8 pm and then dont eat till lunch time the next day-dont bother with breakast -you dont need it. Thats a fast of around 17 hrs, more than enough to get your body into fat burning mode. Even better if you go for a ride-around 90 mins max at the same time.-


It's a bit more complicated than that...
The evidence shows that people who skip breakfast lose much less weight than people who eat it.
Eat your last meal around 8 pm and then dont eat till lunch time the next day-dont bother with breakast -you dont need it. Thats a fast of around 17 hrs, more than enough to get your body into fat burning mode. Even better if you go for a ride-around 90 mins max at the same time.-


Try Googling "fasted training for fat loss" I think the evidence you are referring to is by the cereal manufactures such as Kellogs who for years have promoted the nonsense that we need to eat as soon as we wake from sleep. Also have a look at this :-


It's a bit more complicated than that...
It's NHS advice:
  1. Don’t skip breakfast
    Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that eating breakfast can help people control their weight. A healthy breakfast is an important part of a balanced diet, and provides some of the vitamins and minerals we need for good health. Wholemeal cereal, with fruit sliced over the top is a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

And here's some recent British research - please forgive the Daily Mail link:


Man or Moose!
I wouldn't assume advice provided by the NHS has any scientific validity, that would be a naive assumption, however on the flipside Zofo's choice of reference is simply laughable!

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