farcility of the month

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magnatom said:
Ah, but that begs the ultimate question: What came first, the cycle lane or the barrier?....:biggrin:

It would have been the cycle lane, which would have been straight on the original plans. Then they'd have done a 'safety audit', in which a road safety officer will have pointed out that cycling on the road is dangerous, so the cyclists should be directed towards the pavement where vulnerable road users belong. Then they'd have re-drawn the plans and done another safety audit, in which the road safety officer will have observed that the cycle lane presents a hazard to pedestrians, who should therefore be protected with a barrier!


Smutmaster General
There's one in today's Newcastle Journal ....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
tdr1nka said:
Southwark Council - Cycles Of Frustration.
A nomination for the Turner Prize me thinks?

This one is near me, and I can't believe I've never noticed it!!
Then again it might just be an indication of how much I use Sainsbury's or cycle lanes!!

I saw that an thought, if only I knew someone who lived near there. It so needs a bike arranging through the railings. You could rotate the handlebars, push it through, put them back right. For added flourish, add wide panniers to the back. And then watch 'them' try and work out how to get it out.:biggrin:

(even better, but actually vandalism, would be to cut an old bike in half, and weld it to the barrier, each side...:biggrin:)

Molecule Man

Well-Known Member
I must get the book of the website.
I reckon, with no evidence at all to support this, that the people who actually paint the lines decide to have a laugh occasionally and come up with some of these creations to make their employers look stupid.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Molecule Man said:
I must get the book of the website.
I reckon, with no evidence at all to support this, that the people who actually paint the lines decide to have a laugh occasionally and come up with some of these creations to make their employers look stupid.

Not quite the same, but there was (I think it's worn off now) a pedestrian symbol on one of the segregated paths here in York and they'd scraped eyes nose and a smiley mouth into the paint before it set...:biggrin:

Rob S

New Member
tdr1nka said:
I've sent this to the Warrington site but just in case, here's a preview of my local farcility.:rolleyes:

There was a exactly the same arrangement in Tavistock last year...but the sign was 'Biker in your blindspot?' It was there for several weeks but the day I turned up with my camera the sign had been removed.


Come come now! Surely Sainsburpy's promote some sort of 'healthy eating' promotion campaign then don't they? And if you follow their advice you'll fit easily through the railings!
Molecule Man said:
I must get the book of the website.
I reckon, with no evidence at all to support this, that the people who actually paint the lines decide to have a laugh occasionally and come up with some of these creations to make their employers look stupid.
OT When I lived in Dublin there was double yellow lines which followed the kerb as normal for quite a bit, when it came to the junction the workman veered off taking a zig-zag approach to the middle of the road. I wonder :sad: what was going through their mind at the time :thumbsdown:.


New Member
On a slightly different thread, I would like to draw your attention to a cycle route on the Sustrans website.


If you look at the green route you can see it takes you along the beach, a notorious stretch of coastline of mudflats. The map they show gives the route at one point of being out at sea. This beach can be very dangerous. Just this weekend a family were rescued from their car which was stuck in the mud as the tide was coming in.
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