Famous/semi famous people you know/knew

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Here we are. Didn't realise I still had this pic.

View attachment 447424

Eel Our Island, I used to jump and dive off that bridge as a kid so many times.

slow scot

In 1979 I was invited to stay with Buzz Aldrin; long story. I only had a week to spare and I chose to trek through Yosemite instead. Never regretted the decision, and I'm quite sure he was equally laid back about it!


Legendary Member
I used to work with Spencer Wingrave. As this is a cycling forum, I'm sure I don't need to say who he is. :bicycle:^_^
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Legendary Member
Nobody from Liverpool has said they knew Paul McCartney yet :smile:
True story.
Back in 1965? when I was 18 I had a weekend in Edinburgh. I went into a pub and asked what did light or heavy beer mean? A guy at the bar asked.......
"Are you from Liverpool"?
Him......"do you know the Beatles"?
Me (lying through my teeth) "I know John Lennon quite well and I know Paul
a bit but not the others"
Him to barman "hey, he knows the Beatles. I am paying for his beer"

So I enjoyed a free pint and he could tell his family he met a guy who new the Beatles (even if it was a slight lie^_^)
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Legendary Member
Eel Our Island, I used to jump and dive off that bridge as a kid so many times.

That's it buddy. The photo was taken in the car park opposite the island. Bayliss used to live there, and a guy I knew happened to be mates with him. One Sunday we rode down (hence me being in an armoured jacket) and I had a cup of tea at his house. To be fair, it was a horrible cuppa!

I was sitting in an armchair looking out over the river and Bayliss said to me, "Prince Edward was round yesterday, sat in that very chair." Now, had it been the Duke of Hazard then great, but if theres one thing worse than being a Marine ist a marine that wasnt hard enough to finish the course.


What’s the point
Windsor Davies dying reminds me of my MIL telling me about her being courted by Windsor after he came back from National Service. He auditioned for lead in a play and my FIL got the part ... and MIL started seeing my FIL ...

Bangor teacher training college in the 1950s ... hot bed of filth ...


Has the memory of a goldfish
My dad's mate gave Acker Bilk his first clarinet.
I almost knocked a couple of pints out of his hands at a jazz club in Luton. The place was packed elbow to elbow (as usual) and it was standing only in a small Trade Union hall. During a break he had gone to the bar for drinks and was walking behind me as I turned round. He did spill a little of one drink but he didn't get annoyed.

Top bloke!

Chris S

Legendary Member
Last night I found out that one of my classmates (Rodney Nekic) went on to be Khan in Gladiators.
Other contemporary people at our school were:
Jonathan Pedley, a wine expert on Keith Floyd's programme
Bill Leslie-Miller, a DJ on Radio Shropshire
Rick Hampton, a rock DJ on The Wolf radio station
Rohit Patni, founder of Yes Pay which he sold for £26 million
Perhaps it wasn't such a dump after all.
I met Ed Clancy before a road race in Durham City.

He told me he was 'rubbish' at that particular discipline.

He only had two Olympic golds at the time, but I still felt compelled to point out that for him and cycling, 'rubbish' is a relative term.
My mother-in-law worked in an Opticians in Wakefield. & a kid used to come in to see his dad & ask for pocket money (or wait for a lift home)
The co-owner of the shop was a Kevin Clancey

Not really famous, but looking at some of the replies on here;
1. I know (if I get name correct?) Matthew Wright (chat-shows/investigative journalism?) ex girlfriend, Caroline, who now is a 'Celebrity Liason' (my phrase, not hers) for the Variety club, where all the 'top-names' get involved in charities

2. Two 'Peers Of The Realm'
One was my wifes Landlord, when she had an office on his estate (well, National Trust, but they still lived there)
The other was our Chairman, an ex-Collier, & a great chap. If he wasn't on official business, & you spoke to him, he'd be happy to stans & talk for ages, particularly if you mentioned mining/engineering/local history

3. A few ex-members of the National Cyclo-Cross squad. both Juniors & Seniors, a couple of whom have been National Champions
Also, met Roger Hammond, quite literally minutes after he got his 'Rainbow Jersey', back in 1992 (he was stopping at a mutual friends house, before the race)
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