Arch said:
BTW, I've always found the staff at Berwick to be the most helpful and cheerful when travelling with my bike, a real pleasure.
Delighted to hear it. We have another 'Berwick' station down our way, village halt on the Lewes to Eastbourne stretch. I doubt if you would get any help from staff there at all, seeing as there aren't any (supposing a train deigns to stop there at all, which is seldom). And of course the usual Southern Trains mantra will apply - "before ten a.m. Sir/Madam? Get lost"...
Have read the article through, and must say, though, that some parts of the network have a bit of catching up to do - such as our bit. Getting bikes onto trains even in permitted hours can be horrendous. And at our local station the bike storage facilities - despite having been 'cleaned up' a few years ago, are still hopeless. Thefts are commonplace and unpreventable it seems.