I've had a few near misses, going up a steep hill once, my left foot wasn't clipped in properly, as I stood on the pedals my foot skidded off & toppled forward , managed to put my foot down but couldn't keep my balance & landed in the bushes with my bike twisted round me, took me about 4 minuste to figure out how to get untangled & stand up!
Riding my new bike for the first time & was going up a 25% hill, having just gone from drop bars to flats I had a momnet of sheer dumbness, tried to chnage gears & went the wrong way - I promptly fell flat on my side!
My funniest one though has got to be when I used a van to stop me!!
About 1/4 from home, traffic light on red so long tailbacks, I want to turn left at the lights, so I had pulled through a gap & was riding on the inside (I know stupid of me) as passing entrance to petrol station I realised a large lorry was pulling out the exit, I was doing 15mph at this point, apllied brakes slightly, twisted foot, nothing happened, braking more - hoping the lorry would keep moving & be gone by the time I get there, Nope it's turning right, so has stopped right across my path - Split second decsion, aply brakes harder & twist foot harder, but still nothing, less than 20 feet to go, lorry still stationary. PANIC! I saw the van, big brown transit, passenger window open & a nice large wing mirror - AHA! As i drew level i sat up & lunged at the van, right arm through the window, left arm across my body & grabbed the mirror, my bike carried on for a few inches then fell over. I was left hanging from the van with my bike still attched to my shoes swinging away.
"Alright Mandy" I looked up into the face of my mates husband who was in hysterics... I still get weekly reminders about it!