Fall 2021 weather turning cooler.

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Legendary Member
NE England
I meant 7°C, Drago. I converted the Fahrenheit temperature that I am used to into the centigrade equivalent since that’s what everyone is used to in your realm. I dare say I would have to be pretty bundled up riding in 7° F. 😵‍💫
I'm very impressed that you did that. Having worked alongside people from the ex-colony😉, I found that 'pavement' really confused them, and in general it was up to me to translate into US usage as they were unable/unwilling to get their heads around UK usage despite working here.👍


Several children in my class were talking about ‘candy’ yesterday on our Halloween day! First time I’d noticed that!


Have a nice ride.
In our case, it was because it was the end of term yesterday but in principle, I agree.
Cathryn, perhaps it’s just part of the global plot to fatten the entire world’s population and lower their level of health. It’s not just the kids that eat all the candy here in the States, either. I’d say the parents do their share in gorfing down pounds of the purified sugar in the name of “limiting” the kids’ intake, for their own good, of course. There are isles of shopping store space dedicated to pushing the stuff. I hope it’s not the same in the UK. We do the same thing all over again for Christmastime. As Drago said, consumerism in action. But we support it with our mass purchases. Such is life. :stop:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Your hen looks like it has an egg stuck, it seems to be straining a fair bit
Yes, she was 'in labour' at the time. I'm happy to announce she gave birth to a healthy bouncing egg at 11.20 this morning. Both mother and egg are doing well!!🐣



It’s Halloween & it’s been raining since the early hours of the morning & doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. Hopefully less trick or treaters knocking.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Windy here today and all the nicely coloured leaves are being blown onto the ground.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Taken at mid-day of views from my flat. The leaves are certainly falling off now giving a bit more light in here, but as I post from my kitchen i have to put my light on to see my keyboard.


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