If this carries on for much longer, you'll be getting a letter from Boris soon asking if you can go back on the delivery round again....I am in darkest Lancashire.I have found a novel and old fashioned way to contact people,it's called a letter. It's really fun,a sheet of paper and a thing called a pen,t just might catch on,mind you,you will need a mortgage to buy a stamp.
I'm surprised that got past CC's profanity filtercoronal mass ejection
BB in NN3My Talktalk BB is working OK ?, do you mean their website?
Be warned, this is going to treble the cost of traditional type entertainment overnight. Board games, meccano, roller skates, footballs, marbles; you name it.
Get your panic buying done early. Toys 'r' Us is open late!
Only until FB is fixedAll is not lost good old Accy is back yay.
You banged the telly dead?! 😳😉It's all my fault,I was on my own watching Man United v Everton I thought Mrs p was out,she came home early I had to rip the power lead out of the telly sharpish like.There was an all mighty flash and bang and the telly died.
Toys"R"Us shut up shop three years ago.Be warned, this is going to treble the cost of traditional type entertainment overnight. Board games, meccano, roller skates, footballs, marbles; you name it.
Get your panic buying done early. Toys 'r' Us is open late!