Extreme tiredness

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"Young and Ex-whippet"
I have had to call in sick at work today because it is that bad. I feel very tired and have reduced mobility. All my limbs feel achy and I have a mild headache. My throat feels closed up.
It is not like someone of my age and fitness to be very tired and my parents are even worried about me. I have had a quick search online and have found a few possible diagnosis but they all seem a bit too severe and I dont have all the symptoms.

I am terrible in the mornings and very grouchy. I snap at people who are too loud or mess me about. My sleep pattern is 1am-10/11am so I do get the suggested 8 hours of sleep.

Does anyone else have an idea as to what is wrong with me?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Go and see the doctor.


"Young and Ex-whippet"
Gave the NHS a call. Nurse said it could be a number of things but most likely a virus or some type of flu. She said if it stays the same or gets worse over the next two days, to go and see the doctor.
I feel a bit better now after having a nice sleep so I should be okay for work tomorrow.

Thanks to all who were concerned.
Try going to bed at 10~11 pm and getting up 6~7am your body will appreciate it, also you are probably over sleeping 10 hours a night is too much you lazy arse;) and will make you lethargic.


Legendary Member
Paracetamol, fluids, rest, hot bath

Take tomorrow off work, don't give it to your colleagues, customers etc :rolleyes:

And get into a normal adult sleep pattern if you can as above!


Minkowski Space
You've just described the typical symptoms of the first stages of a viral infection. Most likely it's just a cold, it is extremely unlikely to be anything serious. Go back to bed, drink plenty of fluids, eat if you have the appetite (but don't worry if you don't) and above all: rest! If things get worse, go to the doctor. And once you feel more like your usual self, make sure and take things easy for a few days: your body will appreciate the chance to recover fully.


Minkowski Space
And get into a normal adult sleep pattern if you can as above!

People vary in their sleep patterns. Some are early risers, other people are night owls. The important thing is to get enough sleep, not when you sleep. Trying to force a change in your natural sleep pattern is likely to do more harm than good.


Legendary Member
People vary in their sleep patterns. Some are early risers, other people are night owls. The important thing is to get enough sleep, not when you sleep. Trying to force a change in your natural sleep pattern is likely to do more harm than good.
We all slept for hours as teenagers and students. As we get older, we aren't normally able to stay in bed for half the day. That said the op is 18. He'll get a shock when he has to be at work at 9. I do every day! :biggrin:


Leg End Member
you're not going to find an accurate diagnosis online Matthew... we all have off days every now and then, maybe you're coming down with 'a bug'... if no better on monday, go to the doctor.

I prescribe comfort food and a DVD box set in the mean time :thumbsup:
Don't be daft, he can't eat a DVD boxed set in one go.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I prescribe comfort food and a DVD box set in the mean time :thumbsup:
Oh, thanks for reminding me ...
  1. I have been given a selection box containing 6 different types of chocolate bars
  2. I rented a DVD from the local library and had forgotten to watch it
There is some cycling coming up on Eurosport. After that, I will stop up to watch the DVD, and eat half of the chocolate.:smile:
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