Extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, legs like lead......cannot find the cause.

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Über Member
Yet to have flu and no colds in past 7 years
That will be in a big part down to your diet and exercise habits.

Every time I've ever been ill, I can look back a couple of days or weeks and pinpoint what I did wrong (drank too much, didn't eat any veg for a week, held the handrail on the Central line and then rubbed my eye).

Maybe with this Covid thing, people will begin to see that they have some level of control over their own health and that it isn't all down to some kind of random lottery?


Legendary Member
Diet, exercise and hygiene
If only it was that simple.
I (did) cycle regularly.
I played golf twice a week.
We enjoyed walking.
I loved my veg and salad....and fruit.
But when flu decides to give you a kick in the nuts all that counts for nothing.
I got 'real' flu** in the 80s when I was really fit and ate well........it wiped me out and I was off work for 3 months.
**I was unconscious/delirious but apparently the doctor at first diagnosed meningitis.
This flu, Dec-March was not as severe but the after affects are crippling.
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