Experience with your Covid 19 vaccination jabs

How was your experience of jab?

  • No symptoms at all

    Votes: 39 27.1%
  • Sore arm

    Votes: 65 45.1%
  • Generally feeling unwell

    Votes: 32 22.2%
  • Feeling tired

    Votes: 46 31.9%
  • Chills or feverish

    Votes: 22 15.3%
  • Headache

    Votes: 27 18.8%
  • Feeling sick (nausea)

    Votes: 7 4.9%
  • Joint pain or muscle ache

    Votes: 28 19.4%
  • Lasted 24-48 hours

    Votes: 47 32.6%
  • Lasted a few days

    Votes: 14 9.7%

  • Total voters
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Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Had AZ on Tuesday. That night I felt shivery and too hot, with a bit of a headache. Paracetamol sorted that out, but I felt groggy for most of the day (although that was probably at least partly to do with lack of sleep). Now I can feel where the injection was if I prod my shoulder, but otherwise I've felt normal yesterday and now. I'm 60.
Ming the Merciless

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
A poll would have been revealing

Added a poll. Took list of side effects off my AZ leaflet. You can select more than one option.


I suppose it's the usual thing where the vast majority who have no effects don't post and the ones who do, tend to post. Vaccinations are a commonplace thing, but the various COVID-19 ones have become politicised and people are unusually sensitive to any possible effects. I've had many vaccinations over the years. Coming from a forces' family I often felt like a pin cushion when I was a kid, and had a range of expected side effects.

However, my wife and I had the first dose of the Pfizer Biontech vaccination a month ago and I have to say that it was remarkable for two reasons.

Firstly because despite the huge turn out on that particular day it was so well organised that we passed through the system in a very short time and were in the observation area longer than anywhere else.

Secondly it was remarkable for being so unremarkable. The vaccination was over before we knew it, and despite it sounding like a cliche, we literally didn't feel a thing. The following day my arm felt slightly heavy if I thought about it, but that soon went. Wife complained of a slightly achey arm. Just waiting for the second dose now. Possibly different reactions to that one? And I'm 68.


Legendary Member
had it yesterday lunchtime (AZ) felt fine, until woke at about 3/4am shivery, then hot etc and quite achy legs and back and a slight headache. Improving now, it maybe the ibuprofen & paracetamol. small price to pay.


I suppose it's the usual thing where the vast majority who have no effects don't post and the ones who do, tend to post
Well the poll is showing a large proportion of people with no side effects 🤷‍♂️
Everyone who I know personally has had no side effects, but I guess that's a non-story (just as you say really) and the press/social media are only interested in tales of terrible side effects, makes for a juicier story :laugh:
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LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
I'm coming up to 3 weeks after having my first Pfizer jab. It was early in the day, and by the evening my arm ached and I had to rest it on a pillow that night. The next night it still ached but I didn't need the pillow and the day after that I felt a bit rubbish, but I realised I'd not had much to drink that day. After a pint or so of water I felt better. Not sure if that was the jab or just me drinking too much coffee.

In my opinion it was no worse than the effects of some annual flu jabs I've had.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I'll let you know soon. setting off around 2pm to cycle to Etihad - should be there in an less than hour, but want time to lock the bike up, and allow for and possible fairy visits. Booked in at 3.35pm. I shall see how they deal with a bike, and not a car !

MrsF rather sore arm for a couple of days, and a slight headache, son similar. I'll pop some paracetemol before I set off.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Sore arms are common from any injection. I had a very slight sore arm from the flu jab - just felt like I'd bumped it. Son said the injection stung a little when the fluid went in.
I had my first one three weeks ago, no symptoms at all.

It was remarkably quick, someone was waiting and asked me if I'd come for the jab as I approached and directed me in when I said yes. I hadn't even had to break stride, then the nurse got my details on the screen as I was taking my jacket off and administered the dose while I was still standing.

About two minutes from arrival to leaving.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I suppose it's the usual thing where the vast majority who have no effects don't post and the ones who do, tend to post. Vaccinations are a commonplace thing, but the various COVID-19 ones have become politicised and people are unusually sensitive to any possible effects. I've had many vaccinations over the years. Coming from a forces' family I often felt like a pin cushion when I was a kid, and had a range of expected side effects.

However, my wife and I had the first dose of the Pfizer Biontech vaccination a month ago and I have to say that it was remarkable for two reasons.

Firstly because despite the huge turn out on that particular day it was so well organised that we passed through the system in a very short time and were in the observation area longer than anywhere else.

Secondly it was remarkable for being so unremarkable. The vaccination was over before we knew it, and despite it sounding like a cliche, we literally didn't feel a thing. The following day my arm felt slightly heavy if I thought about it, but that soon went. Wife complained of a slightly achey arm. Just waiting for the second dose now. Possibly different reactions to that one? And I'm 68.
When I had it I had no idea whether it was the real thing or a control. It was the reaction to it, which was consistent with those reported in the phase 1 trial, which made me think I may have had the actual vaccine which was then confirmed at unblinding.
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