Exercises to shift the flab?

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Mr Haematocrit

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Im not convinced regarding giving up eating wheat products if you want to loose the belly fat. I currently weigh 60.9kg and have 9.6% body fat and very little belly fat at all yet eat pretty decent quantitys of wheat.
I have a nutritionist who works with me on my diet and at no point has it ever been suggested to me to cut whole wheat from my diet. There is a massive difference between refined wheat and whole wheat, it is wrong to group the two.


Internet Marketing bod
I only cut out wheat for a few months, now I use it to keep my belly full.

It was just as likely the increased exercise had a greater affect on weight loss.

I have a special brick by my back door that is a guaranteed way of repelling dinosaurs, in that as long as the brick has been there we have had no dinosaur attacks. :smile:

Mr Haematocrit

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A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that a calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains trimmed extra fat from the waistline of obese subjects.
Study participants who ate all whole grains (in addition to five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of lean meat, fish or poultry) lost more weight from the abdominal area than another group that ate the same diet, but with all refined grains.
"Eating a diet rich in whole grains while reducing refined carbohydrates changes the glucose and insulin response and makes it easier to mobilise fat stores," says study researcher Dr Penny Kris-Etherton, a professor of nutritional sciences.

This research shows common sense, it concludes that if you eat healthy and consume, fruit, veg, low fat dairy, lean meat or lean fish or lean poultry your health will improve, and this is an important thing to consider... is the goal the cosmetic visual appearance of a flat tummy or is the goal better health.
There is no simple fix and changing things are easier than keeping the changes, IMHO you need to embrace a lifestyle change long term to address these things. This includes diet and exercise.
We all have our own individual and unique challenges to over come.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Just follow the Beige diet.

Don't Eat anything beige and the weight will fall off
Or you will end up like ...
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