about 3 years ago i decided to try and lose some weight and get back alevel of fitness not had for a while. started the regime and started to suffer chest pains and wheezing etc. off to the Docs and the tests, chest xray, treadmill etc. great volume and capacity but peak flow dropped after exercise, funnily enough the treadmill showed nothing. I did go to the docs after exercising on anumber of occassions to see effects on the advice. I suspect some of it was due to the weather cold air etc
Asthma nurse discussed with Doc came up with EIA. hmmm I wasnt sure. Taking the preventor never needed the rescue inhaler.
After a few months i found i was still wheezing so i halved my dose of preventer and all seemed well. spoke with Doc and asthma nurse they were happy with my dose as it worked for me.
Had a review 3 weeks a go, new nurse, we decided i didnt have eia at all, was due to the regime i had undertaken my level of unfitness at the time. some of the symptoms were and are due to rhinitis allergy, so on a nasal spray for a month to see what happens and eased off the inhaler, to no inhaler at all now. the inhaler was masking my rhinitis issues.
so i suspect Sam some of it is due to the weather and your attempts to return to your previous level of fitness, thats not a diagnosis by the way