Ever 'Unliked' a Post?

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Openly Marxist
Not me, for sure. Maybe some of those P and L types...

I really couldn't say!
And what kind of insufferable narcissist would do a thing like that, I ask myself? :smile:

I did unlike something recently, because I'd liked it impulsively on the strength of some pics in it and because I like its author, but I subsequently noticed it contained an unkind dig at another friend. Other than that it's usually just a matter of having hit "Like" instead of "Reply". The damage has to be undone quickly in P&L Lite, where such a mistake might be seen to endorse endorse some kind of Melanie-Philips style foamathon.
I hope that's me, and not someone important. :smile:
threelikesmcginty - you are now on my ignore list - so much easier that way!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
You might click 'like' by mistake, aiming for 'reply'....

With the iPod, it is the opposite, I go to press like and end up having to delete a message I am supposedly replying too. When it comes to likes, I tend to be quite generous due to the fact that I have a bit of a warped sense of humour anyway. The thinking behind it is also that, if I am being seen to be acknowledging people's posts, then hopefully they will do the same back :angel:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Why thankyou Rocky! Let's just hope you don't unlike it now!
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