Ever started a job then wished you never started ?

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Well-Known Member
>Would a different font make it easier?

Yup, that's a lot better, if that still works ok for you..

When we moved into out last place - we had to have a whole lot of treatment done for woodworm. I ripped out the electric meter cupboard in the hall (which was a bit rubbish anyway, floor>ceiling in a corner with the exception of 4"x8" section that had the hall light switch hanging off it.
It stayed like that until a few months before we put the house on the market..about 15 years later !

Mech trouble sounds distinctly familiar...the downshifts on the recumbent have been needing a degree of overshift for the last week or two..I suspect it's gonna turn into a chain cleaning session too, and it's a looong chain...


The cooker's door came away from the hinge once - I just needed to bend the pin back. How hard could it be?

I unscrewed the hinges from the body of the cooker but found that they didn't screw directly into the frame but through the frame into non-captive nuts. These then fell into the body of the cooker.

In trying to see if I could could wind some simple way to fish them out, I kicked over the oven door and shattered the glass.

I contaced the manufacturer and found that a new door glass would cost £60 and take a month to ship from China so I had to go to a local glass company to make a suitable piece of tinted toughened glass which I then had to paint on the inside to match the grill door and glue and fit into the door frame (took a week for the glass to be made).

Now, to get the nuts out, there was no alternative but to take the whole cooker apart - including drilling out the rivets - see the pic!

The whole thing took about two weeks to do - oh, and this happened over Christmas......



I hope looking back you find it funny now because I've just wet myself

Cheered me up no end.

I had a similar experience a couple of years ago where I decided to adjust the glass door of the oven as it had moved ever so slightly out of line, it appears I over tightened one of the screws because about an hour later there was a massive bang as the glass door shattered into a million pieces

Worse still couldn't get spares for the oven, this eventually ended up as the excuse my good lady needed for a whole new kitchen


Senior Member
On Saturday Mr carolonabike decided to change the headset on his old work bike, it had got to the stage where steering was becoming an issue :ohmy: . He took the headset off but couldn't budge the stem (I think), so obviously what you do is hit it with a hammer. Still nothing so he jammed it in a vice and hit it again, nothing. Next he tried to drill it out and broke his masonary drill bit. In desperation he tried to heat it up but some plastic component somewhere caught fire (godawful smell). Then he tried hammering it again on the garage floor ... and bent the forks.

At which point I suggested taking the forks to our lbs. We had to be quite careful where they went in the car cos they were still hot and we didn't want the carpet or boot to catch fire :whistle: .

After they'd rolled around on the floor for a while laughing they said they had a tool which would probably do the job.... and they'll straighten the forks while they're at it. I'm not sure about the bit of plastic. Of course now in addition to the headset he needs a new stem.

Now he's thinking it might be easier to get a new bike :biggrin:.


A Dizzy M.A.B.I.L

The photo was for a picture message to the wife to suggest wer eat out....


My job I wished not started today.. Mowing the back lawn - It's the Teen One's job, which means it's not been done for a while !:angry:

I got the mower out the shed, then noticed little weeds had started to sprout between the paving slabs under the tampoline, so dragged it out & pulled them all out, having pulled the trampoline out I could now see the masses of vines growing over my fence from next door, so started cutting it all back, then put trampoline back, catching the netting on a screw sticking out the top of nextdoors fence, which had been hidden by the vines so hadn't seen it before -I carried on pushing trampoline with extra force as couldn't understand why it wouldn't move until I heard the 'Rip' sound!! :angry:

I then decided the lavender bush was looking a little straggly so that got a trim too, of course I then noticed the weeds growing under the lavender bush that needed pulling too..Which rather upset the Red ants that lived there, they all swarmed out up my arm, Red ants bite - I now have a dozen big red itchy very sore lumps up my arm & on my shoulder! :angry:

After having a coffee break, dabbing myself with Calamine lotion & glugging half a bottle of Piriton I finaly started to mow the lawn, only to hit a large piece of Lego left by one of my bubbas.. Ping went the little black plastic thing, how can they just dispear..? I searched everywhere, no sign of it - Oh well carry on with just one plastic blade then, until found a hidden clothes peg & the other one pinged off into the unknown!:angry:
Do I have spares..? No. Can I be bothered to go to B&Q..? No.

So I now have a half mowed lawn, a lumpy arm, backache, a headache.... Wish i'd never started the garden today


Cycling in the sun
I'm supposed to be tidying the Utility room ... I'm doing lots of others things including lurking on here rather than complete the job... cos I haven't got the will power to chuck out rubbish that I shouldn't be keeping. And someone is coming tomorrow wanting access to the meter in there tomorrow :whistle:

I have done some sorting - living room currently covered in rubbish but I can't drum up any enthusiasm for doing it.


Well-Known Member
Bude, Cornwall
I am at this precise moment editing interiors - well I may have /b/ open and facebook and cycle chat and have spotify running and something will happen on twitter soon, and I'm thinking about a hard after dinner ride......
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