Ever had Gout?

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'you need to get some exercise mate, cut down on those pork pies'



Über Member
It might be worth a quick trip to the docs cos I suffered for ages with really lots of pain in first one big toe then the other. I was under the impression it was gout and packed up cheese/ wine etc. However it was eventualy diagnosed as something called Hallets Rigid Toe ( I think that was the name)
Same cause - uric acid etc but I was recommended to have a "minor" op to fix it ... they "disconected" the big toes from where it joins the foot !! they're all floppy and wont move on their own but no more pain and its not restriced any other activities. It sounds a bit drastic but if the pain doesnt go away under its own steam ( had to sleep with my feet sticking out of the bed) then its worth thinking about. Good luck


Thanks Bobg, Yenners I'll deal with later :smile:

I have had pain in this toe before but not to the same degree. I'd never given it much thought until this episode. From now on I shall be monitoring when it occurs more carefully to see if there's a pattern.

All was going well on the anti-inflammatories until I stubbed my toe hard on the stairs just before. I'm typing this from the ceiling which is where I still am after that.


Senior Member
Worcs, UK
I've had it on and off for the last four years or so. Not found a way of reducing the length of the attack, but not staying hydrated seems to be a trigger for me. Unfortunately beer counts against hydration rather than for it...


_Ben_ said:
isn't gout mainly caused by too much whisky

Has Longers promised you a cut?


mr Mag00 said:
i meant does it get worse as you age

Typically yes, from what I've read but not necessarily. Certainly as I get older the body is not as effecient as it used to be.

As for your beer question: Seems unlikely. Gout seems to hit fairly specific areas of the body and not be an ache but a distinct pain. Might be another explanation for that.


Today it's my right toe: Can't walk. S'not funny anymore. Off for a blood test methunks and a change of diet.
Eat cherries Crackle - tinned or preferably, out of the bag...nature's way. (And get the Naproxen down you - tout de suite;)) Hope it eases off soon.

Mine has "disappeared" since I made the tenuous link between 'mycoprotein/ mushrooms' etc and now eat minimal amounts...psychosomatic maybe, but I'm ok.


Not wishing to malign your fair lady wife, but if mine said I had gout, I think I'd want a second opinion preferably from a qualified doctor. Unless she is a gout specialist or sommat. She could have hit it with a hammer when you were in the land of nod. :wacko:
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