Ever had Gout?

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No me neither until this morning. I woke up with the pain in my big toe and eventually had to get up as I couldn't get comfy. Even the weight of the blanket seemed to hurt. I thought I must have twisted it so hobbled to the bathroom for some gel to relieve swelling and pain. I then hobbled downstairs, really in a lot of pain, in fact I couldn't quite believe how painful it was.

Anyway once there Mrs Crackle asked me why I was hobling about and moaning like a ghost. I explained I'd twisted my toe.
"Let's see. Hmmm." She said, poking me in various places to elicit a howling response. "Gout"
"What!" said I. "Rubbish, I've twisted it or something"
"How exactly did you twist it" She said, "Given you've only walked the dog yesterday. It's gout."
"But, but, it can't be. Gout is something overweight heavy drinkers with a poor diet get?"
"Nope, it's a build-up of Uric acid amongst other things and it's quite common. now take these"

Anyway, it's incredibly painful. I shall never dismiss anyone who says they've had gout and how painful it is. Oh the stigma......Gout without the excessive lifestyle of red wine and Venison. I shall never live it down.


New Member
Indeed gout is the body's inability to get rid of uric acid from the blood stream and is recognised as a form of arthritis. MrWC has suffered tremendously with it over the years, and this is even with having blood tests time & time again, which according to the results, his uric acid levels are 'within normal tolerances' - but his body can't cope with it at all it would seem, so we tend to go very easy on many foods that have high uric acid levels and he's on medication as a preventative.

I wouldn't wish gout on anyone except possibly, my worst enemy as it is horribly painful and can damage joints longterm if you get it a lot. And it can lead to the formation of kidney stones which are even more painful than 'normal' gout.


New Member
It is - but if your body can't get rid of uric acid from the bloodstream, you end up with gout - and that's not good.

Oh, and it's not just red wine that has high levels of uric acid in it, there's all sorts of foods that do.

Edit: foods high in purines as it's uric acid which is the waste product produced


Yes, I've been educating myself on the internet as I knew very little about it. Mrs. Crackle says I shouldn't worry about one instance but if it recurs then it might need investigating. She also says, exactly as you say, that Uric acid levels may not even be raised for it too occur.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I have suffered with gout for a number of years now and can confirm it is very very painful. I control it by watching the food and drink intake but what works for me may not work for someone else. I find strawberries and spinach brings it on almost immediately and also even one glass of Scotch sets it off. If you can stand the pain excercise (riding the bike) seems to get rid of it quite quickly in my case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's interesting Keith. I had a little bit of pain yesterday and thought nothing of it. By the time I'd walked the dog it had gone. Until this morning that is. Maybe I need to get moving again then.

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
gosh i never knew, is it age related??

Alan Biles

Senior Member
mr Mag00 said:
gosh i never knew, is it age related??

It depends what you call 'age'. I first had it (gout that is) when I was 32 and on a high protein diet. So I gave that up as a bad job. I've had three or four further 'attacks' in the intervening 25 years but never been able to pinpoint what sets it off.

Cackle - you have my sympathy, I hope it passes soon.
I've had it as a result of a high protein diet too. Plenty of water to keep the system flushed works for me.
Gout is a walk in the park compared to kidney stones though. The pain was so bad it destroyed any ability to think rationally.


Legendary Member
Keith Oates said:
I I find strawberries and spinach brings it on almost immediately and also even one glass of Scotch sets it off.

Mr C ;), if you box it all up I'll pop round later and take it off your hands.
It's for the best.


longers said:
Mr C :sad:, if you box it all up I'll pop round later and take it off your hands.
It's for the best.

Nice try Longers. These Gout attacks don't last. I shall keep my whiskies to drink between attacks ;)
I have had gout attacks since about 30 years of age. Absolutely excruciating but managed with Naproxen - not had to resort to allopurinol etc on a daily basis or 'owt like that'.
I haven't eaten meat / fish etc since 1982 but I like spicy food, red wine (submersible in alchohol at times, me...) and there is not much in the way of 'trigger' foods. Chillies bad, peppers - there is nothing better than a scotch bonnet sauce to make one's head sweat! :sad:
I did notice an increase in problems when I ate Quorn in ll its guises - after all, it is a mycoprotein and mushrooms can be a classic trigger food. More correlation than that, I do not know...
Cherries are a good antidote for sufferers - tinned or fresh - they seem to alleviate the problem.
There is no sub. for Naproxen though.;)
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