Monday I was scalped by a stoat. Although I was climbing Harvesting Lane in Hampshire for the second time that day, frankly my pet cactus could have passed me by that point.
Oh, hell yeah. I was spinning (& sweating) away in my granny gear when a guy with a toddler on a seat on the back of his bike sailed past. About 50 yrds later an elderly jogger came by. Not my finest hour.
I got a road bike last week, and find the hills easier - looking for MY first scalp now! Lookout all you toddler-carriers out there!
Lets see, passed by a jogger (I had him on the flat though), overtaken by a woman (on several occasions) in jeans and flowery blouse, owned by a chap who must have been 70 if he was a day.
Got scalped again on Saturday. Was 50km into the bike section of the Vitruvian triathlon going up the Rutland Ripple when a small girl came past dancing on her pedals followed by 2 gentlemen of mature age trying to catch up with her. I was in granny gear grinding along at 8mph and was left for dead by them. The small girl was wearing team GB kit though so I have an excuse.
I never really bother about scalping, you never know if somebody on their way back from a 100 miler or pacing their self at the start of a 150 miler. Occasionally though I suffer from that must overtake mentality (scalping by any other name)
This Sorry tale happened on Saturday, it's taken me this long to get over it!
Coming home, hitting the top of short steep incline a bloke in his early 60s on an old Raleigh clunker breezes up beside me and enquires after my health....I told him it wasn't good, really struggling. "Thought so" said he. "First time I've ever caught up with anybody in full cycling kit!". I was just about to reply when were both passed by a bloke on the oldest MTB you've ever seen, carrying more luggage than the average Nepalese Sherpa. Old Bloke goes after the MTB leaving me puffing and anting in thier wake.
OK I was tired, I felt crap....But it doesn't make it any easier to accept!
I've always said, as a reasonably fit 50+ year old, i could fairly rattle along and dont get scalped that often...but i do remember puffing up a paticular hill, a guy came up from behind, we chatted for a few minutes...then he just sailed off ...seemingly effortlessly
Not sure if this one counts, 12 miles into Louth Hilly TT and going down Scamblesby hill fast in fact too fast for my liking, bike wobbling and shaking like made and me doing the same all this with the brakes applied, to be overtaken by Geoff Platts who was still pedaling.
I was once passed by a young chap in full GB kit up a short steep incline going over the canal. Now if I'm feeling fresh I can power over said incline, but he was going about 20mph and as he passed me he gave a nod and I noticed that he was still breathing through his nose.
Not technically a scalp as I was actually stopped on the bridge waiting for my other half to granny her way up to the top, but that's a moot point because I would have been royally humiliated if he had just turned up a few moments earlier.
coming down the Ventoux I was trying to get to 50mph. A cycle team overtook me like I was standing still, all in a line about 2 inches apart, balls of steel.
On a sportive we had to keep stopping to keep our group together and a bloke in his 70s or 80s kept passing us on a Moulton. Some of our group were on expensive road bikes and the sight of the tiny wheeled Moulton going past was pretty funny.
Well it's still early days for me so I'm used to getting passed pretty regularly although I've started to do a bit of passing myself which whilst meaningless is nonetheless pleasing !
One incident that does spring to mind though is when I was going up a slight incline (which at the time I thought of as a hill) a few months ago. I was passed by two guys chatting with each other who just coasted past as I was putting in max effort in a middleish gear. Now that isn't too stunning in itself but the fact that the inside of the 2 tapped me on the @rse to let me know they were there before nodding to me somewhat threw me !?!?!
Now my legs and backside are not really the type to attract attention - being a skinny fecker my cycling shorts are almost like baggy jeans - so I was left to assume that this may not be a unique occurence. Can anyone confirm??
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