Ever been brutally, brutally overtaken?

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Active Member
Today I was out on an 18 miler, a hilly route around my town, on the most demanding of the uphills on the way back - btw, it was hot today in Scotland - Africa hot - I was struggling trying to spin in a low gear I thought I was going OK, when what I can only describe as a man machine on a trek road bike whipped past me, the android said something along the lines of how nice the weather was - to which I was only able to grunt something affirmatively. He then shot up the hill and disappeared out of sight - and I mean out of sight! This guy was still in the saddle as he roared past!

Damn - my fitness is nowhere near as good as I thought. I have much to work on.

Ever been completely dropped by someone in such a dramatic fashion?

I need to work on hills, I need to lose more weight, I need to get sponsorship to own a carbon fibre featherweight machine. Much to do...
I need to get sponsorship to own a carbon fibre featherweight machine. Much to do...

No, Learn how to do it with heavy machinery and laugh as others watch in amazement as you roar past them on a clunky machine. That's the way I learnt to do things.


Free-wheeling into oblivion...
LOL - I was out on a ride in the New Forest a couple of weekends ago and we came across a chap on an old single speed with mudguards and a rack. He flew past the lot of us up Thorney Hill like we were standing still !

Had him on the way down the other side though, only for him to do the same again up the next hill


Legendary Member
It was so hot in Scotland today that I was pleased to see a friend at the roadside which gave me the opportunity to stop for a chat. He is an elderly bachelor, also a cyclist, but slightly unreconstructed with regard to womens lib, girl power etc. he was relating a recent incident where a young lady on a bicycle had overtaken him as he cycled into town.
That was his story, he had been overtaken by a woman.......oh the shame of it, he's scarred for life.:biggrin:


New Member
I was out a few weeks ago having just got a new bike. I was starting to feel somewhat fit, taking the bike out every day and all that. Anyway, I was writing along at about 18mph, fairly pleased with myself when a pack of cyclists overtook me. No effort on their part. So demoralising to see them speed off into the distance.

In my defence they did have a Range Rover support vehicle driving out front for them to draft behind and a sprinter van to the rear to carry all their kit. Alright for some, I had a slight headwind and a heavy backpack on my rack!


Legendary Member
Just remembered an overtake last year, when I was about 2 miles from home after a 40 mile run. Guy came up behind me silently and slid past with ease. As I was close to home I thought I would put a spurt on and at least keep up with him on my final leg, but no hope. Turned out there was a checkpoint around the next corner and I stopped to yarn with the observers there, they told me the guy that overtook me had cycled 100 miles before overtaking me after a mere 40. :sad:

Steve H

Large Member
I'm a little bit fitter now, but when I was starting out on the bike last March, I was ascending a hill on my MTB in the ultra-low gear that it has. I was plodding along quite nicely when a jogger gently passed me on the pavement.

Oh the shame

Fortunately I'm a bit stronger now and it hasn't happened again since then.


New Member
I was on the final section of a Midlands Mesh 100 yesterday between Alcester and Solihull. Two youngsters ( twenty somethings ) came past me on their carbon Treks as I rode away from the Mapleborough Green Island. They gave me a cheery 'hello' as they passed. They were wearing all the proper clothing… black socks, what's that all about?

They went ahead about 30 yds in front. As we started to climb Gorcot Hill, a 6%er about half a mile long, they slowed right down and put their bikes in inner ring and almost largest sprocket. I wasn't going to prat about up a 6% hill at less than 10 mph.

The first guy I road past gave an embarrassed chuckle 'cus I was on my Dawes Giro 500 with full mudguards, prob half a stone heavier than his bike. The guy who had taken the lead was standing up. He fell apart when I overtook.

I'll claim both these as a 'Proper' scalp. They were both younger than me and riding lighter bikes :biggrin:
Today I was out on an 18 miler, a hilly route around my town, on the most demanding of the uphills on the way back - btw, it was hot today in Scotland - Africa hot - I was struggling trying to spin in a low gear I thought I was going OK, when what I can only describe as a man machine on a trek road bike whipped past me, the android said something along the lines of how nice the weather was - to which I was only able to grunt something affirmatively. He then shot up the hill and disappeared out of sight - and I mean out of sight! This guy was still in the saddle as he roared past!

Damn - my fitness is nowhere near as good as I thought. I have much to work on.

Ever been completely dropped by someone in such a dramatic fashion?

I need to work on hills, I need to lose more weight, I need to get sponsorship to own a carbon fibre featherweight machine. Much to do...

I just wish I could say that rider was me


New Member
I was on the final section of a Midlands Mesh 100 yesterday between Alcester and Solihull. Two youngsters ( twenty somethings ) came past me on their carbon Treks as I rode away from the Mapleborough Green Island. They gave me a cheery 'hello' as they passed. They were wearing all the proper clothing… black socks, what's that all about?

They went ahead about 30 yds in front. As we started to climb Gorcot Hill, a 6%er about half a mile long, they slowed right down and put their bikes in inner ring and almost largest sprocket. I wasn't going to prat about up a 6% hill at less than 10 mph.

The first guy I road past gave an embarrassed chuckle 'cus I was on my Dawes Giro 500 with full mudguards, prob half a stone heavier than his bike. The guy who had taken the lead was standing up. He fell apart when I overtook.

I'll claim both these as a 'Proper' scalp. They were both younger than me and riding lighter bikes :biggrin:

If either of you two are reading this, sorry. You have to have more than a light bike to ride up hills :thumbsup:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I was on the final section of a Midlands Mesh 100 yesterday between Alcester and Solihull. Two youngsters ( twenty somethings ) came past me on their carbon Treks as I rode away from the Mapleborough Green Island. They gave me a cheery 'hello' as they passed. They were wearing all the proper clothing… black socks, what's that all about?

They went ahead about 30 yds in front. As we started to climb Gorcot Hill, a 6%er about half a mile long, they slowed right down and put their bikes in inner ring and almost largest sprocket. I wasn't going to prat about up a 6% hill at less than 10 mph.

The first guy I road past gave an embarrassed chuckle 'cus I was on my Dawes Giro 500 with full mudguards, prob half a stone heavier than his bike. The guy who had taken the lead was standing up. He fell apart when I overtook.

I'll claim both these as a 'Proper' scalp. They were both younger than me and riding lighter bikes :biggrin:

You may have noticed that this thread is asking for stories about being scalped whereas as yours is about how you scalped someone else. Did you read the OP properly or did you just want to boost your fragile self esteem a bit?


New Member
You may have noticed that this thread is asking for stories about being scalped whereas as yours is about how you scalped someone else. Did you read the OP properly or did you just want to boost your fragile self esteem a bit?

Yup. I'm pretty damned pleased with myself whacking up a 6% at 400 Watts at 55 miles into a 63 mile short run.

It was just a shame those two other guys couldn't keep up.


You may have noticed that this thread is asking for stories about being scalped whereas as yours is about how you scalped someone else. Did you read the OP properly or did you just want to boost your fragile self esteem a bit?

I seen Jimboalees name post on this thread, and just knew he wasn't posting to say he had been scalped


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