Ever asked for a refund of credit from your energy company ?

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I did with Ovo, it wasnt fast until my last phonecall then it was overnight (I was given a whole load of excuses beforehand). A month or two later I got more money from them. then a month later again!


North Yorkshire
I always thought that Octopus Energy knew what they were doing, now it seems not ?

I received this email, this morning dated 26/08/2024 03:49 AM.
N:B 03:49 AM ! am I talking to 'outworkers' elsewhere in the World or do Octopus staff work nights ?

All my emails have been from the same named person. This morning, amid all the usual platitudes was this line of text:-
" I see your refund request was submitted on 22nd August and it is currently in the status of 'submitted' "

I submitted my refund request on 15th Aug and on the 16th Aug 20:32 I received an email (from this same person) saying " I am happy to confirm that the refund has been processed "
So, a missing 7 days.
Maybe, all refund requests get ' parked' for 7 days to let the interest due to Octopus accrue ?


North Yorkshire
Well, to put lid on this. This morning I got my £150.00 refund from Octopus. Requested on the 15th so 13 days. Don't know if they work Saturdays so how many working days .
My balance hasn't fallen by £150.00 and " we are still working on your refund " is still posted. Maybe they are feeling guilty and have given me £150.00. 🤪
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