Evans coming to Birmingham

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Über Member
l4dva said:

You seem to know a fair bit about bike shops around brum, Where would you go for some pedals and cyclying shoes? my knees seem to be aching after a lot of riding so want a bike store that will be able to properly size me and my bike up with a decent set of pedals/shoes on my bike as apposed to a bike set up in the store, and preferably somewhere that is generally reasonably priced?

Thanks, and sorry to go off the point of your orginal post

BCC on the Bristol Road. Not my favourite shop but he knows how to set up a bike. He did my cleats some years ago and they have not needed any other adjustment.


Sunny Brum!
Is the really small shop, thye do a lot of trek cycles? I poped in there a few weeks back a really young guy served me, he mentioned they had a full on service for setting up new bikes, like a complete messuring/sizing up. But that was for new bikes brought from them. I might cycle down and see if he would be able to set up some pedals and shoes on my bike. Or maybe go down to red kite were I actually brought my bike from


Über Member
I'm not so confident. He gave me a bike to try around the block about three years ago, after telling me that they make their mechanics test ride all the bikes they service.

I had to stop half way round and do the front QR up properly.

HAHAHAHA same thing happened to me after a bike fit. Beautiful job, just perfect set up.

But he swapped skewers for the rig, and when I rode up Bristol street the back wheel fell out.

Moral of the story: get the fit and check the bike before you ride it.

Nobody in our family is allowed on a bike if I haven't checked it. Too many idiot 'helpers' want to fiddle.


Sunny Brum!
Speaking of cock ups by bike stores, When I took my bike in for its frist free service the mechanic pricked his finger on my rear mech cable, a strand must of been loose or something so he chopped it off, but once i got home i noticed he actually choped off the whole end inc the little piece that capped it off. I haven't had a chance to take it back, and its been a few weeks so I dunno what they will say if I go back?


l4dva said:
Speaking of cock ups by bike stores, When I took my bike in for its frist free service the mechanic pricked his finger on my rear mech cable, a strand must of been loose or something so he chopped it off, but once i got home i noticed he actually choped off the whole end inc the little piece that capped it off. I haven't had a chance to take it back, and its been a few weeks so I dunno what they will say if I go back?

They'll tell you to f--k off, but in a more polite way.


New Member
Well they are still there and have expanded by taking over most of the top floor, moving the running section into the corner.

I find the staff ok, handy place to buy bars/gels etc and to browse the bike porn. They do seem to sell a lot of bikes as well. They are better than Cyclesurgery who appear not in the least bit interested in customers.


is the place to browse though, some lovley stuff but sooooo pricey. Will they be there this time next year? I have my doubts.
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