Distances are not conducive to cycling. We drove from Wellington to Napier and only passed through one major town. No way you could cycle that route. Get outside the towns and you are on major roads and the NZ drivers are mad! I cycled the Kapiti coast cycle path - 50 miles there and back - along quiet back roads and cycle paths. But that was it, no other cycle routes in that part of the country. No cycle lanes in major cities either. NZers seem to be more into off roading rather than road cycling and certainly not communting. I guess Christchurch may be a different, as it is flat, but I haven't been down there for a while. Wellington and Auckland would be too hilly to cycle.
All of NZ is like that including Christchurch. They however have a good following of cyclocross and off-road biking. There is also another danger for road bikes in that the hordes of tourists doing free and easy travel on hired vehicles are proving to be major concern.
I do recall there is a major program to build national cycleways but I suspect they are going to be off-road.