I'll second what Stephen says. An excellent day.
Started not so great, taking the bike out the car it had a flat tyre. However, got that sorted and then to the start. I've never seen a carpet of cyclists before...now I have! Despite the large numbers the start went smoothly and off we went. About 20 miles in and the tyre goes flat again!

Get that sorted with the help of a local resident, who also gave me a spare!! Many thanks to that gentleman! Scooch past me at that point, so the chase was on! Caught up a wee while later, had a quick chat and parted ways (well he is an old man

Plenty of oppertunity to work in groups which helped keep the pace up. Then came the hill. Actually this is where I found that my hilly commute has been helpful. I definitely passed more than passed me.

Steep at the start, and not too bad after that. Met kfindlay on the way up and had a wee chat and then we both enjoyed the amazing downhill after that. Very smooth roads, no cars.....weeeeeeee! (43.5mph max).
Following the hill was the loop that wasn't the most exciting and had a bit of a headwind. Nothing major and then back with the wind at our backs. Getting near the end with 11 miles to go I decide to look athow long I've been cycling. Less than 4 hours!!

Blimey, it's been fast.
So head down for the finish with a wee touch of cramp threatening in the legs. I knew about the nasty wee climb after the turn, and so was ready for it. Brilliant. Again my commute with the short sharp climbs helped here and I passed a large group on the way up.

A couple more sharpish climbs and then downhill to te finish (with a wee climb right at the end). And what a great welcome!!
So my stats are, official 4:34. Actually (remember I had a puncture) 4:16.

Well chuffed. 19mph average. about 1.5mph above my previous best.
It was a great day, lots of support on the route. Perfect weather, light wind, cool and dry (sunny at times). Amazing roads, I have never ridden on smoother, and a brilliant atmosphere.
The roads were very fast today and I think nearly everyone was posting good times. However, it still feels good to take over an hour quicker than you though.
I'll be doing this next year!
P.S. viniga's wife was good enough not to give birth during the race!