Etape Caledonia Sabotaged

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Noodley said:
Yep, one of my clubmates and his wife almost went into his place last year until they saw a sign on the door proclaiming his opposition to the event. Another lost customer...

I think we should go and lean 3,500 bicycles against his shop window...


Senior member. Oi! Less of the senior please
The world
Spotted a follow up item on the local paper's site ( which has a section after some strong local condemnation which says:

"Meanwhile, an alternative view was offered by Eveline Bright from Fortingall, Aberfeldy, who said while the incident could not be condoned, she did not feel the event brought anything to areas outwith Pitlochry.

“Aberfeldy, Glen Lyon and other rural areas do not find any benefit, merely a considerable amount of concern,” she said.

“The roads in the area are closed for half of the day of the race, preventing those in the Glen Lyon, Fortingall and Keltneyburn areas from leaving their homes at all.

“We may not leave our homes for any essential items and, much more importantly, the whole community is prevented from attending the Sunday Christian services.

“I wonder if the roads would be closed and the residents ‘restrained’ if we were of other faiths or nationalities.

“I was under the impression that we were attempting to fight discrimination. Perhaps not if you are white and Christian and don’t cycle.”

Truly pathetic BNP fodder!


Bike Fluffer
bof said:
“I was under the impression that we were attempting to fight discrimination. Perhaps not if you are white and Christian and don’t cycle.”

I'm not Christian so I can't be sure but I'm sure there's something about tolerance in the bible...

just jim

Well, I've signalled my disgust at this act of sabotage by...registering for 2010!

Anybody got a road bike they don't need?


New Member
Near Perth
Glen Quaich

scoosh said:
• A new endurance hill climb for cyclists up Glen Quaich (the longest sustained hill climb in the UK)[/FONT] :ohmy: :ohmy: ;) ;) :eek: :eek: :cry: :cry:

I know the hill, several winters ago in hard packed snow, I got my 4x4 subaru stuck half way up. The scary bit was not that I couldn't go up, but the beast started to slide back under its own weight. Luckily another couple appeared just as it got dark and helped guide it back down the hill like a giant sledge. One of us inside to work the brakes when we got down off the steepest section and the other three nudging it in the right direction. :ohmy:
Nearest and dearest still hasn't forgiven me for that little adventure:blush:


Active Member
just jim said:
Well, I've signalled my disgust at this act of sabotage by...registering for 2010!

Anybody got a road bike they don't need?

I totally agree the only way to make sure these idiots do'nt win is to the support the event again next year!

The event slogan for Etape 2010 :- DLTBGYD


Senior Member
Also on BBC News website :-

A 62-year-old man has been charged in connection with the sabotage of a cycle race in Highland Perthshire.
Carpet tacks were placed across sections of the Etape Caledonia route causing hundreds of cyclists to suffer punctures on Sunday.
The 81-mile race around Pitlochry had to be halted for about an hour-and-a-half while the road at Innerhadden and Schiehallion was made safe.

The man, from the Rannoch area, is due in court on Wednesday.

Not deterred

Police said inquiries into the full set of circumstances were continuing and they appealed for anyone with information to come forward.
The Etape Caledonia is the only cycle race in the UK where all the roads travelled on are closed to other traffic.
The restrictions have caused anger among some locals who believe business is negatively affected and people are prevented from leaving their homes.

Many of the 3,500 cyclists taking part in the Etape Caledonia were raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support and local politicians and business leaders have criticised the sabotaging of the event.

Organisers IMG said the disruption would not deter them from holding the race next year and they are already accepting entries for the 2010 event.
However, they confirmed they would step up security measures to ensure that such sabotage did not happen again.


New Member
Any lawyers on here? If found guilty can we bring a civil case for compensation? (1000 + inner tubes?)


Well-Known Member
As it spoiled my day, as well as the inner tubes, maybe we could also claim our entry fees and also travel costs?
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