Etape Caledonia Sabotaged

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What would be a good idea would be to write to Etape Caledonia letting them know you would support them holding an event next year, and that you would be happy to take part in it. I am about to do just that.

I was considering taking part next year, now I am determined. Anyone else?


Legendary Member
magnatom said:
What would be a good idea would be to write to Etape Caledonia letting them know you would support them holding an event next year, and that you would be happy to take part in it. I am about to do just that.

I was considering taking part next year, now I am determined. Anyone else?


Got an email or perhaps an open letter signed by CC members supporting the future of the event. I'm in for next year as well.


Legendary Member
magnatom said:
What would be a good idea would be to write to Etape Caledonia letting them know you would support them holding an event next year, and that you would be happy to take part in it. I am about to do just that.

I was considering taking part next year, now I am determined. Anyone else?

I'm up for doing it next year as well. Hopefully get nearer the 4 hour mark than I was today
satans budgie said:

Got an email or perhaps an open letter signed by CC members supporting the future of the event

I think numbers would make a difference, so the more individuals that send e-mails the better.

So if you are determined for EC 2010 to happen, write to the organisers offering your support. We can't let mindless idiots put us off.


Well-Known Member
As I have already said in another post..... I will NOT be doing the Etape next year!!!! Great event and brilliantly organised, however.... After speaking with a few of the IMG folks today, there is NOTHING they could have done to prevent this happening!

I honestly cannot see the event taking place next year and I am disgusted by this cos it means these morons have won!!!!

I have brought some of the tacs at home so I can show folks when I am telling the story!!!


From what I've heard there was a huge number of tacks so it seems that it must have been co-ordinated. I hope the Police are going to shake up the more vociferous amongst the protesters as some one must know something. Perhaps a pissed off local will shop whoever it was in after they suffer yet another puncture in their car because these tacks are going to be around for a while.


The other ironic thing is the roads were probably closed off for longer than was originally planned so the protesters scored an own goal on that front too.


Nr Cambridge
The national radio networks and TV reported it but I'm sure it only made the nationals because it gives ammunition to cycle haters or shows cycling as being an inconvenience rather than as a genuine recreation, sport or means of transport. Many bulletins I heard throughout the day BBC included didn't even mention the fact it was a charity ride in supprt of MacMillan cancer, they just gave the impression that it was more selfish cyclists racing taking over and closing the roads and that stopping it by scattering tacks/nails in the road was some sort of light hearted prank and no harm done ;).


New Member
There's a significant and lasting safety problem for this public road and any motorcyclists using this road over the coming weeks.
These tacks will cause punctures to road users other than cyclists in the coming weeks before they are washed away.
I saw police motorbike riders inspecting their tyres very carefully that afternoon and looking rather annoyed.
I punctured twice but really enjoyed the 1st 2 hours and the final hour and will go back again if only to demonstrate my feelings on the matter.


Well-Known Member

Just heard that evidence has come to light showing that the disruption to the event was organised, and carried out by more than one person. The plan was even disguised by a the codeword "Loch Lomond" - a loch many miles away from the nearby Loch Rannoch. Plans included an instruction that "you tack the high road and I'll tack the low road".



Well-Known Member
mcd said:
Just heard that evidence has come to light showing that the disruption to the event was organised, and carried out by more than one person. The plan was even disguised by a the codeword "Loch Lomond" - a loch many miles away from the nearby Loch Rannoch. Plans included an instruction that "you tack the high road and I'll tack the low road".


Thats brilliant - just read it out to the guys in the office.

Thanks for bringing a smile to my face after such a horrible day yesterday

Etape Caledonia

New Member
Official Statement

Etape Caledonia: Sunday 17th May 2009​

Official Statement from the Organisers of the Etape Caledonia

As organisers of the Etape Caledonia we wanted to fully update everyone of exactly what happened at this year’s event – specifically regarding the course sabotage.

A large number of carpet tacks were scattered along sections of the course, by who we can only assume to be protestors of fact that it is a fully closed roads cycling event. This safety issue was highlighted by the lead group of cyclists experiencing punctures at a specific section 43 miles into the route. Subsequently hundreds of additional cyclists also received punctures as they approached the area.

As a result of safety concerns, in co-ordination with the local police and council, we implemented immediate safety contingencies. This included temporary stopping the race mid course while the roads were made as safe as possible. Once we were satisfied with the safety of the course the event was resumed. We are continuing to work with the local police and council to get to the bottom of what happened this year and ensure it won’t happen again.

As organisers of many mass participation events, we want to wholeheartedly thank every single competitor for their amazing attitude, patience and spirit. It was an inspiration.


Über Member
South Norfolk
Drivers need to get over the fact that they are going to experience a few hours of road closures. They are given plenty of warning to prepare by moving their car if they want to get out to church or whatever, but sheer bloody-mindedness means they would rather cause havoc on the day. As for the tacks, that is beyond belief and has no logic - I wonder if the perpetrators were intelligent enough to consider the possibility of locals getting punctures in the following weeks?!

I witnessed a similar attitude last year at the Birmingham Half Marathon - a woman had driven up from London to take her ageing mother out for lunch. Despite the fact she had a leaflet distributed 2 weeks previously listing all closure and opening times, she forced her way through the barriers and drove onto the course. Police soon put a stop to that game!
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