Etape caledonia 2009

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Legendary Member
I was another one who suffered punctures - 3 to be exact all caused by little carpets tacks. However I managed to finish OK. My computer says ride time of 4.24 but my official time was 4.57:sad:

I think I was fortunate just to suffer 3 punctures as I was talking to a guy at the end who had suffered 6 punctures:ohmy:

The mentality of the people who carried out this act of sabotage really beggars believe. I sincerely hope it doesn't put people off doing this event next year. It is superbly organised and marshalled
arranandy said:
The mentality of the people who carried out this act of sabotage really beggars believe. I sincerely hope it doesn't put people off doing this event next year. It is superbly organised and marshalled

I have been considering entering this next year. Now I am even more determined. It may have the opposite effect...


Well-Known Member
I am absolutly RAGING about this whole debacle today.Nothing the organizers could have done to stop this!

I reached 40 miles after 2 hours and 11.....well on schedual to beat my target of 4 hours 30. Then get puncutres and am stopped fir 2 and a half hours. Ended up getting cold and couldn't be arsed with the rest of the race so I abandonned!!!!

I'll NOT be entering next year because like I said there is nothing the organizers can do to stop this..... £50 down the drain.

I actually fear for the event as a whole next year!!!!

Have I mentioned that I an RAGING!!!!

Etape Caledonia

New Member
Official Statement

Etape Caledonia: Sunday 17th May 2009​

Official Statement from the Organisers of the Etape Caledonia

As organisers of the Etape Caledonia we wanted to fully update everyone of exactly what happened at this year’s event – specifically regarding the course sabotage.

A large number of carpet tacks were scattered along sections of the course, by who we can only assume to be protestors of fact that it is a fully closed roads cycling event. This safety issue was highlighted by the lead group of cyclists experiencing punctures at a specific section 43 miles into the route. Subsequently hundreds of additional cyclists also received punctures as they approached the area.

As a result of safety concerns, in co-ordination with the local police and council, we implemented immediate safety contingencies. This included temporary stopping the race mid course while the roads were made as safe as possible. Once we were satisfied with the safety of the course the event was resumed. We are continuing to work with the local police and council to get to the bottom of what happened this year and ensure it won’t happen again.

As organisers of many mass participation events, we want to wholeheartedly thank every single competitor for their amazing attitude, patience and spirit. It was an inspiration.


Active Member
Did anyone record a time for when the race restarted at the top of Schiehallion?

My cycle computer stopped logging whilst we were held there so I only have my time to the top and the total race time. I am trying to calculate how long I was stationary at the top. I know the organisers have stated that the leaders were held for 1h25mins but can'nt claim to be a member of that elite!

Kellis10 (aka. Stato)


Über Member
East Lothian
kellis10 said:
Did anyone record a time for when the race restarted at the top of Schiehallion?

My cycle computer stopped logging whilst we were held there so I only have my time to the top and the total race time. I am trying to calculate how long I was stationary at the top. I know the organisers have stated that the leaders were held for 1h25mins but can'nt claim to be a member of that elite!

Kellis10 (aka. Stato)

I didn't record a time, but I got held back just before the timing mat at the top of the Scheihallion climb and I reckon I was there for about 40 minutes if that's any help. (5.12 overall time, 4.11 computer time - 2 punctures at 10 mins each?)
kellis10 said:
Did anyone record a time for when the race restarted at the top of Schiehallion?

My cycle computer stopped logging whilst we were held there so I only have my time to the top and the total race time. I am trying to calculate how long I was stationary at the top. I know the organisers have stated that the leaders were held for 1h25mins but can'nt claim to be a member of that elite!

Kellis10 (aka. Stato)
Kellis, going by the GPS ave of 19.1mph I would have just under 4h15, my official time was just under 4:57. So I'd estimate that I was 10min to change the p'ture and 32 mins at the top of Schiehallion (my GPS output will be more accurate). I was at the pront of the pack so after watching dribs and drabs of cyclists going for it I decided to too. If I waited longer I've no idea how long it would of been and I was getting cold.

Edit: the GPS counts 54 minutes stationary but that includes a wee bit at the end.
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