Let the doubters doubt Mr Poacher. In a few years their choices will be electric car, bicycle, or walk, and all the complaining and excuses in the world won t change it.
Thqt said, the Leaf itselfmisnt much of a step in the right direction. Replacing 1600kg petrol or diesel cars with 1600kg electric ones has little, if any, NET benefit to the planet. People's brains will need to be recalibrate to get used to the idea of cars half that weight if they want to genuinely do something to reduce environmental impact.
Going back to the electric scooter, I'm all for it in the physical sense. I believe, however, that any kind of performance beyond 15mph-ish should require the licence and insurance etc, but the system should be streamlined and simplified to reflect the more limited impact and risk they present. Utterly unlegislated is, I believe, a no no.