for anyone that cares, I've just finished putting up a trimetal shed, I recomend a tea break before doing the hinges as that's the only tricky bit that might go wrong as sir might be getting a bit frazzled by this point ...
managed all of it solo other than lifting the lid into place on the hinge, I did try
I don't recomend the default security on it if you're the nervous types, the screws for the loops were visible and accessible, I paid for the extra ones which are properly secure and are hidden by the lid closing
and the wood floor looks much nicer that my crazy concrete paving drive, it's raised up on three metal spacers too
all anchored down and rock solid, for all their 'must be square, must be level', I stuck it up on a noticeable slope and it was fine
not pretty and largish but the green blends fairly well with a big hedge
waiting for a ground anchor to arrive and then in the bikes go, hopefully two big ones and two small one