Entered my First Audax - now what???

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Legendary Member
LEL entry purchased @Fubar ? :whistle:

:hyper: :wahhey:

Date: 29 December 2014 13:47:46 GMT
Subject: New AUDAX UK Subscription

Dear Mark Allardice

Welcome to Audax UK



Legendary Member
Ok, genuine question: how long do people stop for? I normally stop for the usual "cafe stop" so around 30 minutes, but one thing I've noticed is I have a real dip after a stop, legs stiffen up, resolve seems poor, etc.

Wondering whether short 10 minute stops will work better over the 200k than planning for 2 "big" stops? Or am I going to Hell in a Handbasket anyway and you're just thinking "it really makes no difference anyway, shut-up and just get on with this Audax and stop going on about it"??

Sunday people, Sunday - it will all be over...


^ ^ ^ ^ @DCLane has it absolutely right (as one would expect from someone of his audax experience :notworthy:)
Much time can be lost and occasionally gained at Controls/cafe stops. Quick in, quick out is the best way to start ("time is miles" ;)). As you gain more experience and knowledge about how you and your body work over these sorts of distances, you can begin to relax a bit and maybe take longer.

I would also well recommend doing some quads and hamstring stretches immediately you get off the bike if stopping for more than a few minutes … :okay:

One of the worst parts of any audax is coming out of a nice warm cafe, getting on the bike and heading off into the headwind … that's when you pray for a hill to warm you up ! ^_^
As you are training for LEL ^_^, I'd suggest one proper sit down half way through - cuppa, beans on toast etc, and "bounce" the other controls.
One of the worst parts of any audax is coming out of a nice warm cafe, getting on the bike and heading off into the headwind … that's when you pray for a hill to warm you up ! ^_^
Darn straight. One of the worst parts of my cycling year so far can be directly attributed to faffing around in the Lecht ski station for far too long. Discovering that the broom wagon was 15 minutes behind me, my legs seized up and I then had to descend the Lecht with shrieking crosswinds, and then race all the way to the finish into a monster headwind. Best to minimise faff!


Broom wagon??? What's this doing in the audax section??
He was just illustrating the point that it is 'not a good thing' to hang around at controls or, in his case, a feeding station, because he had a bad experience on a ride of "the other sort" … :ohmy:

Shall we let him off ? :unsure: He's actually an ok guy :thumbsup: … but still has a few strange habits … :thumbsdown:



When you get down to it, what's the difference between an audax and a sportive?
Audax riders don't have any support mechanics, so need to be self-sufficient, with the result that many of them are very knowledgeable about bike maintenance and fixing. Quite a few build their own bikes up, being the best way to learn all about it. :okay:

Now there's an idea for you !!! :wahhey:
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