Honestly. Pleased as punch. Finishing would have been better, obviously, but I couldn't imagine being prouder of what I achieved. Even dropping out (which I did twice!) is a treasured memory. The weird (sadly brief) friendships I made, like the poor French Ambulance driver who could speak no English, and got a rendition of my school hymn "Coeur de Jesus"; the bunch of Germans (one of whom was Japanese) I rode with on an off for two days. The wonderful Taiwanese woman, whom I nearly became good friends with but sullied it by abandoning her. Yeah, that one still hurts. She was slower on the road, I needed more sleep. So we held each other up. Unfortunately by the time I bit the bullet and said we should separate, it was too late for both of us.
Yup, I want to do it again, but finish. I couldn't qualify for PBP this year. I was ok with that, because I knew if I couldn't do a 600 in the time, I wouldn't finish. So LEL, I guess. The Australian variants look way too hard for me to attempt.