Enjoying my new car

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Last week I finally took the plunge and bought a new to me car.
I've owned my old existing car for over ten years (Rover 75) and it's held some great times and lovely memories of times gone by . When I was married we had a caravan a dog ect ,and the Rover suited us really well in the form of practicality and great comfort for touring around with a caravan in tow.It also holds great sentimental value of my dear bereaved mum as well as my ex and my long gone dog that went to live with her when she ran off with another fella .That beautiful little dog went everywhere with us in that car and I miss her so much.
For these reasons I've found it really hard to part with it ,and I have religiously kept up with all servicing and maintenance it's needed.
As it's my daily driver though it's miles have really racked up over the years and it's really starting to show its age.The paint work is failing underneath the clear coat, the head lining is held up with pins and the foam in the drivers seat is disintegrating due to age.
The aircon needs more than just a regas , the list goes on.
Mechanically wise though it's strong but when things do go wrong, parts seem to be very expensive and on some occasions very hard to source.
One person driving a big old car just doesn't really make much sense anymore.
My ex's family still treat me as family and I'm always invited to get-togethers and family occasions but they have disowned my ex after turning ferrel.
The ex's family kids have nicknamed me as "Uncle Buck" because I drive an old clapped out big car ,and that I'm totally disorganized in my life just like John Candy in the film.
Being single money has always been tight too ,and what little money I do have and save ,I have learnt to spend it very wisely and cautiously.
Well the time had finally came to which I made the hard decision to get another car.
A good few months back the bosses son was doing a bit of car trading, and one of his cars really caught my eye.
Please, Please don't laugh but it was a Peugeot 206 cc 2.0 litre, with a mere 37 thousand on the clock.
It looked absolutely amazing and immaculate, and being top of the range with auto lights, wipers and unmarked leather interior this car really turned my head.
It was sat in the overflow warehouse at work for a good few months through the winter and every day I would look at it with admiring looks.
I'm a naturally suspicious and cautious kind of person and I've been Googling left right and center about the good the bad and ugly about these cars to the point I've become an expert 🤣 and I still hadn't even bought the dam thing.
The bosses son is a real nice genuine lad and we get on really well, so I made him a cheeky offer to which he accepted.
Well this week gone I've had the time of my life enjoying this little convertible around the twisty scenic roads of Wales.Its nippy and gets round the corners so much better than the big old wallowee automatic rover.
It costs less on fuel and when the suns out and the roof down it makes me feel alive again.
I know I'm going to get some stick off some of you good folk here, but I thought I would share this pointless story with you
All the very best
Johnny 👍😀
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Legendary Member
You will not get any stick off of me, a great fun car.


Thanks Buddy.
It really is a nice car to drive and feels well suited to the narrow twisty roads around here.
I'm looking forward to the forecasted warm sunny weather this coming week.
I can't believe how much cheaper parts are for it compared to my old car.
Things like drop link ,,,£10 a pair and straight forward to fit.
Looking at the bling on eBay if I want to personalise it are stupidly cheap too.
Example are Lexus rear lights for £55 (if you like that kind of thing)
I can imagine you guys with more modern vehicles take things for granted such as climate control and a display that shows the MPG but to me this is all new technology that I'm finding quite amazing


It rained heavily the other evening and whilst sat in the car reading the owner's manual getting to grips what does what ,I noticed dripping water landing on the small rear seat.It was very intermittent and small so I put a tub there to catch it (I was half expecting it being a convertible to be honest)
The next day after doing some Internet research I bought some silicone grease and I treated all the roof seals with it.
It's strange but true ,but sometimes when you do a job you instinctively know what you're doing is going to make a huge difference and this was one of them.It came in a toothpaste sized tube and cost a tenner "yikes" but when applying it to the seals I could see by the very nature of it, it was going to work.The seals weren't brittle or cracked but there feeling a little dry and after feeding them with silicone grease they became sort flexible and looking like new again.
After doing this on Tuesday I gave the car a jet wash this Friday afternoon and there was not a hint of water inside.If a jet wash can hold a leak off im sure it will repel the rain.Highly recommend stuff
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Our first and only new car was a 206cc, bought in 2002 and had it for ten years before trading in for a BMW Z3.... I know, I know, both hairdressers cars but by then we were well and truly bitten by the convertible car bug! We felt pleased as punch to own it and still remember people crowding round to watch the electric roof go up and down, it was a novelty in those days but not so much now. Enjoy your new car, at 37k miles it still has many more years ahead of it!

Oh BTW, we also had the Lexus rear lights, the sporty mesh grill and a subwoofer under the passenger seat, but I'm all grown up now!


That's interesting to know someone else that's owned one.Truth be told what do you think of them.Did you have any issues with it,?
Is there anything I should I should keep a close eye on?
It's all new territory to me 👍
PS the red wine is kicking in now,so oppogize for any typos


Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
After doing this on Tuesday I gave the car a jet wash this Friday afternoon and there was not a hint of water inside.If a jet wash can hold a leak off im sure it will repel the rain.
I’d never use a power washer on my soft-top roof, it’s not good for the seals and you’ll probably need to reapply the water repellent sooner.

PS. How about a picture of this fun car?


It's not a sort top in regards to the roof being made of canvas.Its got a folding metal roof.
As for pictures I haven't taken any yet but if it's nice tomorrow I will find a nice picturesque backdrop and take a few


Thanks @Grant Fondo for the kind comment.
Handbrake turns were a thing I used to try in my Ford Capri many many years ago (abait unsuccessfully due to a poor handbrake)
Nowadays the only exciting thing I will be doing in my new car will be watching my Roger Moore topuee taking off when I hit 55 mph and getting jammed in the windscreen wipers on the car behind.
I hope you have a great time in your Caravan.
I really miss mine and envy you (in a nice way of course👍)
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