England Vs. USA

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New Member
Bromley, Kent
rich p said:
They've also competed in the last 5 World Cups and their latest results before last night were beating Poland 3-0 and Sweden 2-0 which is probably more than England would have done.

yes, but if you look at what they've got to play against
All the carribean teams.

Are you surprised they get through to the world cup?


I wish the BBC would get rid of Mark Lawrenson as a match commentator. He makes some really crass comments, which sound even worse juxtaposed against the professionalism of Motson.


New Member
Bromley, Kent
Maz said:
I wish the BBC would get rid of Mark Lawrenson as a match commentator. He makes some really crass comments, which sound even worse juxtaposed against the professionalism of Motson.

for those that are thick, can we have this in english?


Nah, man. Gotta disagree there - I think he's the consummate professional.


back and brave
It's Alan Hanson that irks me. I want to tell him <Alan, it's only football. It really isn't THAT important>. He seems to think he's the voice of reason or something; like the rest is opinion and what he says is fact.


Where were the new lads that the press were talking up to play?Same old crap as before back sideways back.We need two proper wingers.Sorry we stopped in 1966.Will go back to sleep.Should be a great game for Crouch he scores against the easy sides.


New Member
redfox said:
Do the pundits get to watch a different game to the one we have to suffer?

Yes. They have that computerised TV that let's them run rings around the oppostition and entertain themselves whilst we have to watch the actual match!
Then at the end they talk about their computer match and how good Defoe and the Chelsea oiks played. Whilst on the subject of Defoe, Daniel Defoe would have played a better game than his namesake!
Get real pundits. Instead of having to be positive for the nation's morale, tell it like it is. CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rob S

New Member
Maz said:
I wish the BBC would get rid of Mark Lawrenson as a match commentator. He makes some really crass comments, which sound even worse juxtaposed against the professionalism of Motson.

Mark Lawrenson is not a match commentator, he's a summarizer and a very good one...he is at his best paired up with the like of Alan Green, John Murray or Mike Ingham on Radio 5. Motson's odd stats and facts does tend to bring out the comments you mentioned.
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