It's is really sad for a country that initiated the world first civil nuclear program in 1956 to see its citizens counting power consumption of fans and bulbs. What about those who can't afford heating in winter. Many of them suffer in silence and in their old age it is not at all fair.
Tis true. For all my previous post about people I know on benefits who squander it...there are plenty living on the breadline who don't. I genuinely feel for them. At the same time its mixed with our experiences of our own life that was conducted on meagre wages, no benefits whatsoever, we worked hard, budgeted hard, led pretty meagre lives yet came out on top, house owning with a healthy savings pot. Living within ones means is the key, its something a lot of people won't do.
I've read a couple articles lately where Rolls Royce are developing SMRs, small modular reactors that show great promise. Each being the size of a couple football fields but can power a small city.
Sister has just moved out of a bungalow with storage heaters, cost her £350 a month last year, would hate to think what the cost would have gone to this year.
Genuine sympathy, we had similar when were young and fairly newly married...we simply couldn't use it, couldn't afford to, it was so expensive.