I was always suspicious about such things, but can you say more?
Yes. LAMB was founded by two partners who took the idea to the Dragon's Den and received funding from two of the dragons. Something like 12 months later the company was bought out by GoCompare in 2019 realising a substantial profit for the founders and the dragons. No problem this is how it works.
I used their Facebook page two years ago when I was looking to switch energy supplier. I went through the process but didn't receive any offers, comparisons etc. until I received an email from an energy company, I forget which one, thanking me for switching to them and confirming my direct debit had been set up. The new cost was significantly higher than the quote I had from elsewhere.
I cancelled the direct debit and the new company happily switched me back to my previous one. LAMB made the switch without contacting me, handed over my bank details without authorisation and provided me with no opportunity to review the offers available to me. I made numerous attempts to contact LAMB all of which resulted in nothing other than a standard response from Customer Services asking if I would like to switch!!!!! I left a few detailed, accurate reviews on their FB page and even this stimulated no response.
LAMB is GoCompare under another name with consequence a business set up to customers switch is doing far from this.