What are you measuring, and what with?
Smart plugs to measure individual appliances. There's a companion phone app to read spot power measurements, and cumulative unit count. Have no idea of their accuracy.
You need a power meter really, if you measure current you're just getting yourself into a whole load of additional complication and errors with reactive and/or non-linear loads.
Yep - I added a 'power meter' on my incoming supply, but it only measures current in a meter tail, and then does a VA calculation to estimate power. I periodically update the configuration with a voltage reading (251 at the mo) and the unit cost, and it tells me power usage, unit count, cost per hour and cumulative cost.
Getting a proper smart meter in a couple of weeks, so am not bothered about the accuracy of the existing kit. "Indicative" is good enough, I hope.
I did think that kite-marked appliances had to play nicely (within certain bounds) to compensate for reactive components. In which case VA is very close to actual power.