Energy Bars

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New Member
kendla mint cake is too sweet ;)


nothing in moderation
for club runs and general out and about riding, flapjack is fine.

for big (for me) milage sportives and club events, i like the vanilla/banana/chocolate bar from hi-5. and their isotonic drink too.

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
can we have some links to the home made recipes, or if someone wants to put their recipe up? I know i can look them up too might make a nice thread. I don't dislike any of the bars, never tried the gels and i see torq do an organic powder too.


Über Member
Recent convert to Geo Bars nice stuff bit easier to chew than Power Bars etc and far more reasonably priced at about £1.80 for a box of six.


I find them all equally horrid and more than one of them messes up my digestion for days and makes me feel sick. Gels are ok towards the end of a long ride, but I try to stick to real, fresh foods like cake, fruit or dried apricots etc


back and brave
I find there is a limit to how many of them I can have. The SIS Go Gels tend to make me feel nauseas after just one (60ml). I actually like the new Overstims peanut gel but I can only have a couple of those (27g) before feeling ill.

(Btw, if you think gels taste like 'man juice' then I wouldn't recommend the peanut gel as it has a salty taste... which I am told - I hasten to add in a very matter of fact, macho, manly, definitely not gay way - is how said secretion tastes.)

I prefer gels to bars (which I just don't get on with) but only use gels on long rides (3 hours plus) and then it's in the latter section of the ride. I much prefer solid foods but carrying gels is easier than carrying cake, fruit, etc and I can't guarantee there'll be a shop open to buy stuff on route.


The bars and gels are all much of a muchness to me. None of them are gourmet but they seem to keep me going on long rides - what I hate are the drinks. I know they work (especially on the longer rides, which is only when I use them) but they really do give me bellyache, esp SIS lemon and lime for some reason.


back and brave
Here you go....

Overstims peanut flavoured gel

Bloody typical "sports exercise" article. Gives just enough information to make the layman feel good about buying a cardboard bar. Justification without understanding.

It's almost as if the lack of taste is a selling point! "The worse it tastes, the more scientific it must be". B*llocks.

Some in this thread have already stumbled upon the perfect "energy bar" or equivalent...for them. Hint - they're the ones that taste nice. Taste is a just as an important factor as the ingredients - any physiologist worth their degree will be able to work out why.

Answers on a postcard!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
What about cereal bars - like the Jordan's Frusili - really nice, have fruit and oats in....far tastier than artificial sports bars... or make you own flap jacks ?
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