Energy bars

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Active Member
good morning people.
Some of my long distance bike riders tend to eat high energy bars flapjacks when riding long distance. i know its like taking a energy drink and a few other goodies who else dose this or is it a small picnics when you get to your destination ?

what's peoples pic me ups :smile:


Started young, and still going.
It depends on how far you're going.
If it's only 10 to 20 miles each way then I used to wait until I got to my destination, or the half way point on the circular route. On higher mileage rides up to 100 miles I always had some flap jacks, they are very easy to make, and a few bananas in my pockets or saddle bag. Plus two bottles of water. On long rides it's best to drink before you are thirsty and keep eating a little and often to keep the glucose levels topped up.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Depends on speed and distance , i tend to only drink water with half an electrolyte tab and carry a small flapjack and gel as emergency food .
If i am doing less than 40 miles i will stick to just the water and generally on a weekend "long " ride i will have cafe stop where i will have a coffee and a teacake along with the flapjack then carry on , this gives me the energy for getting around 60 -65 miles in .I will have a good pre ride breakfast like porridge if i am doing a longer ride.
When doing a sportive i will try to keep nibbling on these small flapjacks and will keep stocked up from the feed zones especially liquid and whatever energy bar they may have on offer but i am looking to get a good time in so i try not to hang about .
100 + i only do maybe 2-3 times a year and they tend to be more of a fun event so i will have 2 cafe stops and make sure one of them gives me a good energy boost to keep the stores topped up.
I think you dont ride road bikes? and these distances are based on road bike distances .
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Active Member
It depends on how far you're going.
If it's only 10 to 20 miles each way then I used to wait until I got to my destination, or the half way point on the circular route. On higher mileage rides up to 100 miles I always had some flap jacks, they are very easy to make, and a few bananas in my pockets or saddle bag. Plus two bottles of water. On long rides it's best to drink before you are thirsty and keep eating a little and often to keep the glucose levels topped up.

Think that was my problem i tended to not eat until my destination, i try to plan in some little stops. :smile: the bananas is a good idea they are fast :smile: thankyou :smile:


Slippery scientist
For a multi-day MTB ride…

…supplemented by pub lunches.


Active Member
Depends on speed and distance , i tend to only drink water with half an electrolyte tab and carry a small flapjack and gel as emergency food .
If i am doing less than 40 miles i will stick to just the water and generally on a weekend "long " ride i will have cafe stop where i will have a coffee and a teacake along with the flapjack then carry on , this gives me the energy for getting around 60 -65 miles in .I will have a good pre ride breakfast like porridge if i am doing a longer ride.
When doing a sportive i will try to keep nibbling on these small flapjacks and will keep stocked up from the feed zones especially liquid and whatever energy bar they may have on offer but i am looking to get a good time in so i try not to hang about .
100 + i only do maybe 2-3 times a year and they tend to be more of a fun event so i will have 2 cafe stops and make sure one of them gives me a good energy boost to keep the stores topped up.
I think you dont ride road bikes? and these distances are based on road bike distances .

Tend to ride a brompton around town i have a hybrid and commuter bike, but my fitness is not letting me go far i do about 5 miles ish on the brompton just trying to get back into some sort of fitness, I'm going to try a 20 miles slow ride on the hybrid to see how i go. just some general asks what people do :smile: thankyou

Alex H

Legendary Member
banana, cheese and pickle roll


South Wales
If I'm riding for less than about an hour and a half, it will be nothing to eat, and usually just water in my bottle - will add an electrolyte tablet when it is warm.

If longer than that, I will usually carry some gels, and have roughly one an hour, and may also have a coffee stop where I will have a piece of cake with the coffee.

I used to carry energy bars/biscuits, but found it hard to eat those while actually on the move, so not really useful on group rides.


Slippery scientist
This is for your whole group of 15 people I presume 🤣🤣

I took it very seriously. I had a spreadsheet and everything, calculating the required daily carb intake for my weight, predicted distance and time, calculating how much of each food or drink would deliver this and then amassing the horde.

I then prepared a bag for each day, with the appropriate amount of carbs split across different food and drink types: bars, energy gels, energy drink etc.

In the end I brought about half of it back with me! I certainly got through it but nowhere near the rate predicted. The significant over-stock remains in my garage, being picked at occasionally for local rides (or if I get peckish whilst in the garage).


Kilometre nibbler
For all day rides I take sandwiches, normally peanut butter & marmite. Sometimes a pork pie. Packet of salted peanuts.

Regarding bars I normally have a couple of Clif bars with me, as they are quite tasty. I buy them in bulk and I have them in a special box not in the kitchen, to keep me from stealing them when I'm not cycling.

I always stop to eat. I once dropped an eccles cake while trying to eat on the move and that taught me a lesson I will never forget.


Devotee of OCD
I took it very seriously. I had a spreadsheet and everything, calculating the required daily carb intake for my weight, predicted distance and time, calculating how much of each food or drink would deliver this and then amassing the horde.

I then prepared a bag for each day, with the appropriate amount of carbs split across different food and drink types: bars, energy gels, energy drink etc.

In the end I brought about half of it back with me! I certainly got through it but nowhere near the rate predicted. The significant over-stock remains in my garage, being picked at occasionally for local rides (or if I get peckish whilst in the garage).

How long were your rides; for you to go to that 'effort' ? (Take that as a compliment not a slur)

I'm doing 30-40 mile jaunts right now - and am about to start to eek those out to first 50 miles (?) at the weekend. Then maybe beyond.

Just wondering when i really should be taking nutrition more seriously than an electrolyte tablet in my one bottle of drink, banana and a choccy bar in my pocket (If i remember) and off i go. I've never done any Carb pre-loading or anything else prior. Strava does tell me some rides i do are over 2000 calorories used. Feel free to call me a heathen if required.......
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