Anyway, when is it time to knock her off her pedestal in true ‘British’ fashion?
This is the thing, it's this building up of some person to be the representative, and repository of all our notions of virtue, and endeavour, and achievement.
Only then to then have them 'taken down a peg or two' if they're seen to be 'getting a bit above themselves'..
That is having opinions, or preferences, personal needs outside of their profession, or even making occasional missteps in what is seen as 'proper' conduct.
I really hope all that doesn't happen to Emma, and that she can just get on with playing good tennis, and enjoying it, but we've seen it so many times before.
The tabloid type press love to dig around making up or exaggerating stories, for their readers prurient judgement, amusement, or titillation .
Wouldn't it be
nice if that
didn't happen for her??
Good luck with all that Emma