Dear sir,
I’m tired of the lauding of Emma Radacanu as the new British star. She’s a fraud and a charlatan.
Born in Canada to a Romanian dad and Chinese mum, I demand Priti Patel revokes her passport and expels her. Most likely smuggled in from Calais with millions of others, she’s clearly taken advantage of our over generous education and sporting facilities and in doing so has denied a genuine British citizen from achieving great things on and off the tennis courts. Kick her out.
Yours faithfully
Nigel de Montfort
I appreciate you might be trying to be humorous; but the need to introduce politics into just about every thread across this once good forum is getting tiring (IMHO of course). Brexit, immigration, race, gender, sexuality, climate change, ZZzzzz

. Roll on tomorrow; hopefully the beginning of a new dawn on CC - that remains to be seen.
As for Emma Raducanu; I don't care what race, nationality, or whatever her sexual preference might be. She is a breath of fresh air in the sporting world. Never stops smiling and laughing (but we'll see how long that lasts as the media grinds her down); she is young, intelligent, and a very talented tennis player.
I don't even know whether she sees herself as British, English, Canadian, Chinese, Romanian, or a bit of a mix. Who cares? As a Scotsman, I hope she wins. I base that hope on the opinion I have made of her as a person, from what I have seen of her on TV to date. She oozes star quality and likeability, no matter what flag she might choose to represent. AFAIK she is currently representing GB while at the US Open, which is nothing more than a bonus for us.