I accept that there will be always be a segment in any demographics that stereotype people based on colour, race , gender etc etc. Just do not end up doing the same.
Well that would be jolly
nice, if those currently holding most of the cards, vis a vis language, who gets to use it and
how - agreed to do same..
I've had enough contact with the supposed 'charms' of the smooth talking
establishment to see the games they play.
Even the language advantage they hold.
Describing certain people as
"Strident, angry, exotic , over emotional , getting ideas , hysterical, or like a diva ...etc etc "
If they're 'too much' for the onlooker.
As regards "What we'd like to see "
ie "Humble" "Sweet and smiley" "Such a lovely girl"
It's a common enough ploy, when trying to get people who have other ideas, to shush down, via the medium of 'tone policing'
Easily distracts from the
actual material being discussed.
So no wonder it's a method often used I suppose
And then
suddenly being deeply concerned about derogatory word usage when it concerns the attitudes of a certain subset of the population, many of whom happen to have a florid complexion .
Which annoyingly seemed to catch the mood, sum things up, skewer the situation even, I guess that
was the problem
But making out that it was suddenly
pink people being 'racist' about other
pink people.
Yes !
I know, Laughable !?!?
- except some people really do think tha's 'a thing' !?!?!
But previous to that.
Funnily enough, I dont recall seeing any of them saying, oh you really
mustn't use any of the other negative terms, above.
It was all
"Oh it's all PC gawn mad"
"You can't say
anything these days"
But now the boots on the other foot , so to say
There's a sudden outbreak of squeamishness around language.
And everyone must play
It's so transparent , isn't it ??
Same old same old double standards.