Emergency Spinal Surgery

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Fnaar said:
Good luck, hope all goes well. A friend's wife had something similar a while back, and she's up and about again, seemingly OK....

Love the use of 'seemingly' there Fnaar, which implies that she seems fine, until the moon comes up, whereupon she turns into a bat, or summat like that...xx(

Anyway, Maggot, all the best, hope you are back to full strength really soon.


New Member
ouch...get well soon!


Über Member
Sounds pretty gruesome, you must have been worried for a bit! Good to hear that you're on the mend though. :biggrin:
Sorry to hear about that Maggot. get well soon! Where I work (neurosurgery building, but I'm not a neurosurgeon, thank goodness!) they carry out this type of procedure. I think it is a fairly common procedure and that the outcome is good.

I don't know a huge amount about the spine (my work specialises in the brain) but I know of some people who have had similar surgery and have come through well.

Best of luck and do as the doctor tells you!!

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Oh blimey - just seen this thread - all the best for a speedy recovery, as the others have said, and those advising not to rush things, and to listen to the doctors are right!


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Ooooh that sounds very tough Maggot. Here's hoping you have a full and speedy recovery. Listen to the docs and the physios. Best of luck mate!


Spoke to my osteopath about this tonight. He said he sees it regularly, especially in cyclists due the the prone position pinching the nerves :biggrin:

The Equina bit in 'Cauda Equina' comes from where the spinal chord splits where we used to have a tail (like Equine). Bone growth pinches the nerves when they pass through the vertebrae as I understood his explanation of it

Sounds nasty
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