I had to speak to a 999 operator from the scene of an accident 3 years ago. I kept repeating that it was on the B-road west out of Pateley Bridge in North Yorkshire, about 1 mile up Greenhow Hill in the direction of Grassington. I don't know if the operator could actually see a map of the area, but that description is all that is needed to get a vehicle to the scene by road. She kept asking for details of landmarks etc. I suspect that it was to help guide the air ambulance which turned up about 10 minutes later, but it would have been very obvious from the air anyway because traffic was backed up in both directions from the blocked road and visibility was good on a clear summer evening.
I now have OS maps for the whole country on my phone and using its GPS I can see a marker on the map showing where I am to within about 15 metres. A grid reference might not help a 999 operator, but I could give them the name of the road, and how far along it I am from the nearest town or village. If offroad, I could still come up with a good description.
A grid reference might not help a 999 operator
I wouldn't say don't do it, but it's not good practice to ride off road alone. The system I teach advises riding in pairs of fours.
I would do it myself with suitable caution..and my satphone![]()
I hope so too! I would have thought that an OS grid reference would be 'the gold standard' UK location description, although I suppose a 6 digit GR can only identify a 100 m x 100 m square so you would have to add other details to describe the precise location.I sincerely hope that's not the case.
I came across an obstructed right of way years back. I had my GPS on me so recorded a waypoint to mark the location. Back home I reported it to said councils right if way team giving a 10 digit grid reference. Could they find it on their mapping, oh no, they heeded the footpath number you sometimes see on the sign posts.
I do hope in this day and age they would ge able to identify a location via a number of methods, including lat / lon, grid reference, street town, road junction etc. After all we can trivially do that ourselves now. Be a bit backward if their specialized syatems cannot do the same.