Electric toothbrushes....any recommendations (or other thoughts)

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Heavy Metal Fan
I've bought 3 cheap ones in the last 5 years. Fairywill I think, 12 quid each. They do an excellent job but the battery starts to not hold a charge after about 6 months. I now have to charge it every week, so you get what you pay for I guess


Legendary Member
I have an Oral B for about ten years now. I've been very happy with it I am starting to find that battery life is starting to decrease now.


Something I am thinking about.
I called in my local pharmacy. They only have one and its 50 QUID 😳.
TBH I've not googled it yet....just interested in your thoughts.

I've got the very basic one from Oral B - battery powered and it's been brilliant, lasts for ages (perhaps I don't brush for long enough!)


I've bought 3 cheap ones in the last 5 years. Fairywill I think, 12 quid each. They do an excellent job but the battery starts to not hold a charge after about 6 months. I now have to charge it every week, so you get what you pay for I guess

+1 for the Fairywill toothbrushes, Mrs W bought me one about 2 years ago and it was still giving sterling service until I decided to break it by trying to twist the brush head off in the wrong direction :banghead: Never had any battery problems with mine though, one charge seemed to last for ages.
Now replaced it with a 'Seago' toothbrush from Amazon as I couldn't find any Fairywill brushes on there, although it looks very similar to the Fairywill and takes the same brushes:
Amazon product ASIN B09VSHFBRRView: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultrasonic-Toothbrushes-Toothbrush-Rechargeable-Whitening/dp/B09VSHFBRR/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=TOGE2M4ZPDH6&keywords=seago%2Btoothbrush&qid=1695678536&sprefix=seago%2B%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1

If this one lasts as long as the previous I'll be very happy. One other advantage is the the brush heads are reasonably priced, unlike the old Braun toothbrush that I had beforehand!


I purchased a " middle of Lidl " toothbrush several years ago and it's been excellent. They come back on sale every so often and I stock up on replacement heads when they do.


Early Retirement Planning
I've bought 3 cheap ones in the last 5 years. Fairywill I think, 12 quid each. They do an excellent job but the battery starts to not hold a charge after about 6 months. I now have to charge it every week, so you get what you pay for I guess
That was the one I got. Mine also packed in after about 6 months and wouldn't charge at all.


Well-Known Member
West Yorkshire
I've been using an Oracare electric from Sainsbury's for about a year now. At £15 (£12 nectar price) it seems very good value. Reliable and holds a charge well (about 12 days I think).
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