Electric toothbrushes....any recommendations (or other thoughts)

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Legendary Member
Something I am thinking about.
I called in my local pharmacy. They only have one and its 50 QUID 😳.
TBH I've not googled it yet....just interested in your thoughts.


Legendary Member
Something I am thinking about.
I called in my local pharmacy. They only have one and its 50 QUID 😳.
TBH I've not googled it yet....just interested in your thoughts.

I got this one a couple of months ago. Seems fine. You can pay a lot more, but usually just for connecting them to apps on your phone. Don’t see the point.

Amazon product ASIN B097FB6N9TView: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B097FB6N9T?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


Isca Dumnoniorum
I have the one in the link & it seems OK, been using it for about 6 months. Battery life is good between charging. 3 different brush speeds/modes. I've been using the soft mode for a few weeks after having surgery for an implant.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You can pay a lot more, but usually just for connecting them to apps on your phone. Don’t see the point.
The toothbrush does a full dental check and then texts your dentist if it finds any problems?

Maybe it creates a spreadsheet of where you were and when you brushed your teeth? It geolocates your mouth at the time of brushing and stores the info on your phone... You never know when you might need that info - I've watched Marathon Man! If some nut-job dentist demands to know if it is safe, he could just check your phone!

Maybe your phone checks with the toothbrush and nags you if you forget to brush your teeth!

No, I don't see the point either! :laugh:

My Oral B gave me well over 10 years reliable brushing before the charger finally went on the blink.


Puzzle game procrastinator!


Legendary Member
I think that I might scrap my old brush now and give that one a go.

Looks similar to the last one I had, but I decided I preferred the round head as it just seemed to suit my mouth better.


Legendary Member
Oral B. Boots and SuperDrug plus Asda, Tesco etc usually have a model on special (buy one with replacement heads included if poss)
Or https://groceries.asda.com/product/...ic-toothbrush-designed-by-braun/1000383118424
Perfectly good. Mine does Bluetooth…clearly I have never used such functionality
Asda have 8 heads for £16
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Thats the one in the pharmacy.....so 50 quid doesn't seem too extortionate then.

I have something like that one. Curiously, it's still in its box as I bought it a couple of years ago when the battery on my current one (which is just a previous model of that) dropped from 5 days after charging to 3 days. I've been waiting for it to die ever since but it still keeps on going at 3 days after charging. I must have had the original one for about 7 years now.

The prices of these things seem to go up and down all the time but it's noticeable that there are random deals on in places like Boots or the supermarkets particularly around Christmas time. Usually it's better to buy the plain Jane packs rather than the ones with spare brushes or toothpaste included. The brushes are cheap enough in multipacks and most people choose their own toothpaste anyway.

I used to think that electric toothbrushes were just a gimmick after decades of manual brushing but it has been a revelation. One of the few modern appliances that I've ever thought "I shoulda got one sooner". Brush heads are available everywhere, even supermarket own brands. I initially used to get a multipack from Amazon but found over time that quality became variable, particularly for some of the ultra cheap packs which notably didn't last as long as slightly more expensive ones.
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