Elderly woman hit by car on pelican crossing

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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
I was heading back home after being out for a ride this evening when i saw a horrible sight. The police were tending to someone covered with blankets and a plastic sheet,(to keep out the heavy rain) lying in the road. I asked someone nearby what had happened, they told me it was an elderly woman who'd been hit by a car while attempting to cross the road at a pelican crossing. The traffic was backed up about half a mile. I sincerely hope she's ok and fair play to the copper who went over to the car with the boom boom music on at full belt while his passenger was attempting to take pictures of her lying in the road, I thought he was going to punch him one. A pity he didn't!
Stuff like that is always upsetting to see. Someone`s mam/wife etc. Hope she was ok. Was it after dark Accy? The guys in the car- WTF were they thinking...
Accy cyclist

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Stuff like that is always upsetting to see. Someone`s mam/wife etc. Hope she was ok. Was it after dark Accy? The guys in the car- WTF were they thinking...

I passed by at 4 o clock when it was nearly dark. How long she'd been there i don't know, but i saw an ambulance with flashing blue lights pass me about 3.45. I suppose sometimes these things seem worse than they are. I was talking to a mate of mine yesterday who told me about his wife's ex husband who was involved in a motorbike crash on the A59 the other week. Him and his girlfriend were knocked off their bike with someone pulling out in front of them. By coincidence i was with a group of cyclists held up for a while that same day. I saw this bike smashed to pieces and a car with its front bit ripped off. It was the same crash!. I thought someone must have died such was the damage to both vehicles, but he told me they both survived but they had many injuries.Not life threatening though thankfully.
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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
"I sincerely hope she's ok and fair play to the copper who went over to the car with the boom boom music on at full belt while his passenger was attempting to take pictures of her lying in the road, I thought he was going to punch him one. A pity he didn't!"

It's things like that that makes you wonder what is happening to make people behave in that manner. The Policeman should be congratulated on his actions.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Naturist Smurf
I know an elderly person who got knocked down by someone driving in the dark without their lights on. Police couldn't be bothered to take any action against them for driving without lights. Twenty years later and they are still suffering from the effects of having their lower leg broken.


Girl from the North Country
There's a temporary pelican crossing near building works that I have to use on my commute. This week - on all but one occasion - multiple drivers have jumped the red light at the crossing each time I have used it. One day six vehicles drove across while I had a green man flashing telling me it is safe to cross. Any pedestrians who simply obey the lights are likely to be hit by a vehicle.

It makes me furious that these drivers are so self-centred that they can't stop for a minute in these circumstances. The workmen on the site have stopped drivers and been abused for it. I have reported it to the police but short of parking a police car at the crossing I don't know what they can do.


Not a pleasant site,and always looks bad when the emergency crews are working.
the sado's in the car are a product of social media , The must have a vid for you tube and their FB ,twitter etc..


Middle Earth
Oh no...I do hope she's okay! As for the idiots taking photos...FFS, I only hope that's not their relatives one day :cursing:

Traumatic incidents can stay with you forever.
When I was 6, my parents stopped at the scene of an accident as it had happened right in front of them.
They didn't notice me getting out the car and standing on the grass verge watching. Luckily for me, I didn't see much of the carnage as I didn't get too close (car under the back of a HGV, driver decapitated and passenger dead also). The ambulance arrived and the crew thought I had been involved, as I was in shock. It's something I'll never forget.
I don't know how the emergency services deal with such things day in, day out :sad:


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
Fair play to the copper for having a go at the idiots in the car, I do hope the lady makes a full recovery. It could just as easily be one of our own in the same situation, it makes you wonder what the donuts in the car blasting the music out would have done if it turned out to be their mother / grandmother laid in the road, I wonder if they then would feel any guilt for their thoughtless behaviour.
I too have been in the horrible position of being involved in an rta with a pedestrian, i was driving through Halifax town centre one saturday evening, I had just gone round a roundabout and was driving fairly slowly, I noticed a group of young women stood on the pavement chatting so steered the car as near to the middle of the road as i could , I had just about passed the group of women when one of them ran across the road in front of me, i hit her, the impact took her legs out from under her, she impacted the bonnet of my car and then recoiled onto the road surface knocking herself unconscious. The police cleared me of any blame and the young lady in question suffered a bruised ankle and a bump on the head and I would imagine the mother of all hangovers the next day. This sort of incident stays with you for life, I was traumatised by it, physically sick and was in shock myself for about three days, something I never want to go through again.


There's a temporary pelican crossing near building works that I have to use on my commute. This week - on all but one occasion - multiple drivers have jumped the red light at the crossing each time I have used it. One day six vehicles drove across while I had a green man flashing telling me it is safe to cross. Any pedestrians who simply obey the lights are likely to be hit by a vehicle.

It makes me furious that these drivers are so self-centred that they can't stop for a minute in these circumstances. The workmen on the site have stopped drivers and been abused for it. I have reported it to the police but short of parking a police car at the crossing I don't know what they can do.
Seems simple to me. Park a CCTV camera there and send a £130 fine to everyone who goes through. No appeals. Drivers used to drive in bus lanes when they were first installed in London. Then the fines started dropping on the doormats and lo & behold, they stopped.
[QUOTE 4028879, member: 9609"]Police are looking for a VW[/QUOTE]

Quite a surprise, considering it was a serious collision. I thought this would be a Porsche/Ferrari, or something that was going too fast to stop :blink:


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
[QUOTE 4028879, member: 9609"]the callousness of motorists can never be underestimated, just been on the news, pregnant woman hit by car, carried on bonnet for a while, driver stops, tells her off, then drives leaves the scene. Police are looking for a VW, pregnant woman in hospital with broken bones,

Unbelievable, what the hell gets into some drivers. The link is not working @User9609
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