elder sibling

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Resting in suspended Animation
I don't get on with my younger sibling at all. The differences between us are vast, not only being interested in completely different things but attitude to life and other people. Several friends and girlfriends (perhaps having a more similar set of interests to me and outlook) have said how obnoxious they think they are.


Don't see my younger brother much - nothing particularly wrong between us, we just don't have a lot in common. My younger sister I love dearly and admire in many ways (she works with women with serious drug and self-harm problems in Glasgow) although she can alo be infuriating.


New Member
my brother moved away to uni and things got slightly strained between us, then i moved to uni and things got a lot better, we were in neighboring towns and visited each other a couple of times,

i'm still at uni (have been for 7 years) and its only since meeting my girlfriend that i've realised how little I visited my parents in the first couple of years, i think a fair amount of it is that its a pain in the butt to use public transport to get to or from home to my parents.

i've visited my brother and his wife a couple of times and they / he's visited me and we get on well, but none of us can cope with my mother for too long, each year we all go on holiday together, me, brother, his wife, mum and dad, mum tells us what she told us on the phone days before, tells us again and then comments on it, dad's quite quiet, kind of feel like i don't know him that well tbh - something i regret now i've moved away.

love them all to bits tho, wish i saw my brother a little more often.

i guess my not feeling the need to go home is just me growing up and being my own person, kind of readying myself for setting up home on my own.
don't think mum ever got over my brother getting a job interview down south near his girlfriend, getting the job, arriving home in a big van and emptying his room.


Trillian said:
my brother moved away to uni and things got slightly strained between us, then i moved to uni and things got a lot better, we were in neighboring towns and visited each other a couple of times,

i'm still at uni (have been for 7 years)
and its only since meeting my girlfriend that i've realised how little I visited my parents in the first couple of years, i think a fair amount of it is that its a pain in the butt to use public transport to get to or from home to my parents.

i've visited my brother and his wife a couple of times and they / he's visited me and we get on well, but none of us can cope with my mother for too long, each year we all go on holiday together, me, brother, his wife, mum and dad, mum tells us what she told us on the phone days before, tells us again and then comments on it, dad's quite quiet, kind of feel like i don't know him that well tbh - something i regret now i've moved away.

love them all to bits tho, wish i saw my brother a little more often.

i guess my not feeling the need to go home is just me growing up and being my own person, kind of readying myself for setting up home on my own.
don't think mum ever got over my brother getting a job interview down south near his girlfriend, getting the job, arriving home in a big van and emptying his room.

Stay in Uni and avoid paying the debt, or go bankrupt straight away when you leave and get it discharged in 12 months :rolleyes:


User3143 said:
Not any more, I do believe the law has been changed in respect of this as so many students were doing it, anyway you would go not bankrupt in the first place. To much hassle later on when trying to get credit. Stick the OP thread as well please. :wacko:

LOL credit is a damn sight more difficult to obtain now the banks are dry themselves - even if you have an excellent rating.

My brother's a Banker (or is that 'tosser') - how about that :rolleyes:

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
I'm the oldest of the three of us and the whloe family loves me.:rolleyes: We all get on pretty well together, even if you bring cousins and so on into the mix.


Kirstie said:
I have the most boring family in the world. We all get on and really like each other! The more I hear about the families of my partner and my friends, the more I think we are abnormal being the way we are!

I know that feeling! I'm glad to find other people have families that get on with each other as well. :smile:


We're another boring family! Me and my younger brother used to fight like cat and dog when we were kids, but now we are both adults, we've learned to accept that we're completely different people in outlook, and so we get on just fine. Always got on well with my kid sister, save for moments when her foul temper gets the better of her.


newbiebiker said:
being the eldest connotes great responsibility. you be good to your siblings and they'd follow your steps.:smile:

Younger siblings have a lack of gratitude - every rise in pocket money, every time you were allowed to stay up later was all due to protracted negotiation by me!


Smutmaster General
My eldest brother is almost a stranger to me... he has (occasional) mental health problems, but is also just a complete c*nt when he wants to be :smile: My youngest brother, though, is like a best mate... we get on really really well and have a lot in common. ;)
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