Efiing bleedin' lower back ligaments!!!

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Well-Known Member
Chorley, Lancs
I had Lumbago when I was 14 and have suffered on and off with my back ever since. It hasent stopped me Fell running and Mountaineering and now biking though. When my back muscles do go into spasm, it is usually because my back has been exposed to a draught or outside in the wind. I swear by Voltarol Gel. Two or three days applied three times a day gets me going again, and as a maintenance routine I use a back stretcher, with three settings, although I only use the first one. I got mine from QVC:- http://www.qvcuk.com/ukqic/qvcapp.aspx/app.detail/params.item.431833
Been to see the chiropractor again today, she managed to adjust the left side and the lower back, right side still didn't want to crunch though, and believe me she tried hard!! :angry:
Back is gradually loosening up, though I still 'catch' it occasionally with an involuntary muscle contraction or a step when walking where the ground is slightly lower than expected, either of which causes a painful jolt. Chiro said wait until is doesn't hurt then start gradually, 10-15 minutes at first and build up to my normal commute. I know I will haqve to do it this way but I'm not going to be a happy bunny for a while ;)
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