ebay madness

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Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
It's sad when someone doesn't seem to be able to grasp one of the basic tenets of life in the west:

A product is produced, accurately described and placed on the market at a given price. People look at it and decide whether it both fits their needs and represents good value. If so they might choose to buy it, if not they wander off and look elsewhere.

You would have thought after a couple of thousand years of this being a common practice it would be universally understood.


4F said:
I have bought bits off Charliethebikemonger from e bay in the past and found what he was selling to be good value for the price and delivered very quickly.

Not sure what point you are trying to make Peanut, if you don't like the price of the frame don't buy it.

If it hadn't been for peanut I'd never have known about Charliethebikemonger. I'm glad he was such a knob about it ;)


Senior hunter
CharlieBikemonger said:
Cheers guys you are a good bunch. On the plus side I found a cool forum

Yes, it's mostly good times here and most of the apparent disagreements are harmless piss-taking. The technical rules are somewhat more limiting than at some bigger forums, fairer than others.

Anyway, I take it you have been brave enough to dive into the bicycle trade and as a builder to boot? That right there deserves the highest commendation, considering the difficulty of making it profitable. Good luck to you, sir!

If it is of any consolation, I was another one of the nutty guy's banished ones.

;) Keep us posted on your progress. Any plans for a classic touring model?
;) Charlie.

Folks, I emailed Charlie a couple of days and pointed him at this thread as I thought his input on a frame he sells may be informative on a thread that seemed to have descended into bickering at the time. I have had no contact with him before then, nor used his store.


New Member
;) CharlieBikemonger.

Look I'm relatively new on this Forum and followed this thread from the start - and didn't comment cause I couldn't see what Peanut's point was.:wacko:

But on a serious note - I think if some of the "senior members" know him personally they should maybe get in contact with him!!!!!!!A.S.A.P.

Just to see if he's ok! - I feel he took a bit of a kicking on this thread.(maybe justified - but he's a human being / fellow cyclist)


Lover of things that come in 3's
bauldbairn said:
;) CharlieBikemonger.

Look I'm relatively new on this Forum and followed this thread from the start - and didn't comment cause I couldn't see what Peanut's point was.:wacko:

But on a serious note - I think if some of the "senior members" know him personally they should maybe get in contact with him!!!!!!!A.S.A.P.

Just to see if he's ok! - I feel he took a bit of a kicking on this thread.(maybe justified - but he's a human being / fellow cyclist)

Is a good point BB, when you're a gobby twat, with a hide like a rhino, like me, it's easy to get carried away online.


New Member
MacB said:
Is a good point BB, when you're a gobby twat, with a hide like a rhino, like me, it's easy to get carried away online.

To be fair MacB you did mention he was starting to sound "a bit weird" first - I pressume you've conversed with him before.

It just seemed relentless - from all angles(especially when you read it back). :ohmy:

Anyway, I just hope all's well - others have commented on related threads that he was having a tough time personally. I don't know him and it wouldn't be fair to discuss his personal issues.

I too have a thick skin - but a hair trigger temper - so try not to get to involved or personal in posts.

It's just a pity that this was "CharlieBikemonger's" intro to the CC Forum as I found his, yours and other posts very interesting. Hope it hasn't put him off? :?:

All the best to you MacB. :biggrin:
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